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8 Juni 2016 14:58

This simple vitamin cocktail could prevent brain ageing

The latest and greatest fountain of youth: a dietary supplement that will prevent the most important part of your body from ageing: your brain! Celia Tholozan
This simple vitamin cocktail could prevent brain ageing

Brilio.net/en - Researchers from the university of McMaster in Canada have conducted experiments on a very special kind of combo: a mix of various types of vitamins, combined together with green tea extracts, cod-liver oil and other supplements.

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Originally, the scientists had aimed to find a cure to the diseases medicine remains powerless to such as Parkinson, Alzheimer or multiple Sclerosis. The tests were conducted on mice that had lost half of their brain cells, which corresponds to the human equivalent of a severe Alzheimers disease.

After being injected by the treatment, the losing of brain cells stopped and there has been an increase in their senses of sight and smell. Because mice reproduce and age widely faster than humans, it has been possible to realise the tests on different generations of animals in a shorter amount of time.

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The results are always the same and thus encouraging the scientific community of the University to conduct the test on humans in the next coming years. In fact, since all species share common basic cell mechanisms, the chance to obtain positive findings is high, even if not guaranteed.

However, this discovery arose a lot of suspicion due to the fact that the elements contained in the mixture are simply dietary supplement and not proper medicine. Despite that, many others researchers from universities all over the world have been starting to work on similar experiment to more efficiently prove right (or not) the findings of the experiment.

The research suggests that there is tremendous potential with this supplement to help people who are suffering from some catastrophic neurological diseases. [] Our hope is that this supplement could offset some very serious illnesses and ultimately improve quality of life. says a research associate of the university.

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