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7 Agustus 2024 18:23

This man was shocked when he was presented with a proposal to celebrate August 17, the price of crackers was up to IDR 500 thousand

Many netizens are suspicious about the details of these funds. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
This man was shocked when he was presented with a proposal to celebrate August 17, the price of crackers was up to IDR 500 thousand foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Soon, Indonesia will celebrate the Republic of Indonesia's 79th anniversary on August 17 2024. Usually people will celebrate this by holding various competitions to enliven the atmosphere and strengthen the sense of togetherness.

Usually before holding this activity, the committee will prepare everything. Including the matter of funds. Apart from using sub-district funds, usually the committee will try to find other sources of funds. Such as sponsors or asking for public donations by submitting proposals.

A netizen shared a post of himself who had just received a proposal from the local RT. From this proposal, he was quite surprised by the details of the funds listed. The story can be seen via the TikTok video with the account @reineo.

This man certainly accepted the proposal. However, before making a donation, of course he will look at the details of the funds listed in the proposal. So he can know how much money is needed and what it will be used for later.

"Just got a proposal from the local RT, and the thing that is amazing is that," he wrote, as reported by brilio.net on Wednesday (7/8).

photo: TikTok/@reineo

But how surprised he was after opening the next page. On the site there is a budget with an unusual nominal value. In fact, in first place there were crackers and also raffia rope for the cracker eating competition. However, the budget for the competition reached IDR 500 thousand.

"The crackers used are similar to the Palembang crackers that are exported, right?" he wrote in shock.

Not only that, there is also a clog competition which is a traditional game using long sticks. How to play, a team of several people must walk together with their feet tied to the clogs.

It seems that clogs are a simple game and the equipment is easy to make. However, in the proposal it is stated that the budget for the match uses IDR 700 thousand. Not only that, there are also other competitions where a total of IDR 2.5 million is used.

"Clogs worth IDR 700 thousand, maybe made of mahogany wood," he said again.

This proposal then went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Many are certainly suspicious about the details of these funds. Not a few have said that this action is an indication of corruption.

photo: TikTok/@reineo

"The effect of being taught by the center is that the subordinates follow along. Once the center is arrested, they just have to behave politely, freely," said the account @fazrianaji.

"But unfortunately it doesn't make sense for me who lives in the village," wrote the account @harumi_jayanti.

"Maybe use jumbo crackers that are as convenient as that. Trying to think positively but I can't," said the account @natz1415.

"The country has been independent for 79 years, but the people's own money is still used for this country's birthday. Hahaha, that's very funny," commented the account @azizrafiq.

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