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7 Agustus 2024 22:25

This ASN in Padang chose to resign from his position, saying he often financed activities using personal funds

Because of this viral complaint, the ranks of the Nanggalo Subdistrict Office have been inspected by the inspectorate. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial

Brilio.net - It is undeniable that a job as a Civil Servant (PNS) has become the dream of many people. Because, civil servants usually offer career stability, welfare guarantees such as health benefits and pensions. Apart from that, maybe there are those who really want to serve society and the country.

However, it turns out that not all civil servants feel the same enjoyment. There are those who cannot stand the working conditions, so they choose to resign. Like civil servants in the Padang City Government.

He is a man with the position of section head (Kasi) at the Nanggalo Subdistrict Office . However, even though he already had a permanent position and job, he chose to resign from that position. He said it was because he was unable to meet the pressure from his superior, who was the Head of Nanggalo Subdistrict.

photo: freepik.com

The withdrawal statement was conveyed in a letter. Civil servants who resigned immediately signed the letter on July 25 2024. A photo of the document with a stamp of IDR 10 thousand was seen circulating on social media.

In his letter, the civil servant stated that he was resigning from his position as Head of Social Welfare (Kesos) for Nanggalo District. In his resignation letter, he admitted that he was no longer able to meet the money requested by the sub-district head.

"I hereby submit my resignation as Head of Social Welfare for Nanggalo District on the grounds that I am no longer able to meet the money requested by the Head of District," he said as reported by merdeka.com on Thursday (7/8).

Apart from that, this civil servant, who did not give his name, admitted that he was stressed when he was holding activities. The reason is, these activities often lack funds. So he often spends personal money to cover these deficiencies.

"I am no longer able to finance Social Welfare activities with personal funds. Below I am attaching a Report on the Use of Social Welfare Funds from March to July 2024. Thus I have made this statement, so that it can be considered, thank you," wrote the ASN.

photo: Instagram/@matarakyatsumbar.id

Regarding the widespread circulation of the image of the resignation letter, Acting Mayor of Padang Andree Algamar immediately spoke. He said that his party had asked the inspectorate to carry out an inspection. This was done in order to find out more details about what actually happened at the Nanggalo District Head's Office.

"We are checking the sub-district head, we are also checking those who have resigned. Why is there something like that, we are checking all the stakeholders there," he said when met at the Padang City DPRD Building after the Special Plenary Meeting for the 355th Anniversary of the City of Padang as reported by merdeka.com, Wednesday (7/8).

photo: freepik.com

Andree continued that if it was proven that there was a violation, he would not follow up according to the applicable regulations. The sub-district heads being inspected will still work as usual. Apart from that, Andree also explained that so far the Padang City Government has not received any letter regarding the ASN's resignation.

"Until now, the sub-district head in Nanggalo is still working as usual," he said.

"We haven't received the letter, it hasn't reached the Mayor, we only found out after it circulated on social media," concluded Andree.

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