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23 September 2024 09:17

The tragic end of the 7 suspected brawlers who intended to run away from the police, jumped into the Bekasi river and died

Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto said that the police officers on patrol were not at fault. Devi Aristyaputri
foto: Instagram/@liputan6

Brilio.net -

Jatiasih residents were recently shocked by the discovery of seven bodies in the Bekasi River, Bekasi City, on Sunday (22/9). The seven teenagers who were found dead floating in the Bekasi River were reported to have thrown themselves into the river after seeing police officers on patrol. Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto said that the police officers on patrol were not wrong.

Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto revealed that there were members patrolling the area at that time. This patrol was an anticipatory effort carried out by the police to prevent brawls.

Reflecting on previous cases, Karyoto said, brawl cases are quite common in the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya such as East Jakarta, South Jakarta, Bekasi and Depok. Not a few, from the perpetrators of brawls who became victims and even lost their lives.

"So that our patrol steps are correct, the patrol is not wrong, I say the patrol is not wrong. And why did the patrol pass by here? Because this patrol came at 03.00 WIB, but if a normal person at that hour would of course be resting," he said.

photo: Instagram/@liputan6

Karyoto said, the presence of members apparently worried the teenagers who were mostly underage. That is as testified by a brawl perpetrator.

"They did indeed throw themselves into the river because they were afraid of a patrol passing by or reprimanding them," he said.

"We are currently investigating how far Propam has gone in reprimanding him," he continued.

Meanwhile, as a result of the patrol, dozens of people suspected of wanting to brawl were secured by officers. Of that number, three people were named as suspects.

"15 people (were arrested) who were named as suspects, three people for carrying sharp weapons," he said.

Karyoto said, will continue to develop the case, including the criminal elements of each person who was secured. "If they were ready to brawl, they would have brought tools, if indeed their goal was to gather to brawl," he said.

The Head of the Bekasi City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Priadi Santoso, explained the chronology of the discovery of the seven bodies in the Bekasi River. Initially, a resident with the initials ES, 64 years old, was informed by mothers who were looking for cats around the river and saw a floating body.

"This mother provided information when she was looking for a lost Angora cat near the river and saw a corpse," said Priadi, quoted by brilio.net from Liputan6.com, Monday (23/9).

The witness with the initials MS aged 61 then checked the location mentioned. When he arrived there were five people floating in the river. The discovery of the bodies made local residents report to the authorities, Jatiasih Police, Koramil, and BNPB.

After receiving the report, Jatiasih Police members led by the Jatiasih Police Chief went to the scene. They finally conducted a search and found two other bodies. Knowing whether there were more bodies or not, the authorities continued the search on Monday (23/9).

Meanwhile, the body that was found the previous day is being identified at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta.

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