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28 Juni 2024 05:25

The story of a woman asking the online motorcycle taxi office to 'mark' the driver who delivered her father, apparently this is the reason

Thanks to the driver's timely assistance, one human life was saved. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial

Brilio.net - Unique and unforgettable experiences between customers and online transportation drivers are widely shared on social media. One of them was shared by a woman via this TikTok video.

Reporting from the @melzsia account, Thursday (27/6), a woman asked the online transportation company, namely Gojek, to flag a taxi driver who had accompanied her father.

This time it wasn't because of something unpleasant, but because the woman wanted to thank him for saving her father, who was a passenger at the time.

"GOJEK INDONESIA MARKS THIS DRIVER!!! Mr. Nurahman deserves appreciation because he saved my father's life," wrote the woman, quoted by brilio.net from @melzsia.

Online motorcycle taxis saved my father's life

In a post in the form of a photo slide, @melzsia said that on Friday (21/6) her father took an online taxi with a driver named Nurahman. However, on the way the father complained of chest pain. Passengers immediately asked to turn back home.

Knowing this, the driver immediately offered to take him to Harapan Kita Heart Hospital. Luckily, @melzsia's father complied because the pain was getting worse.

When he arrived at the hospital, Nurahman didn't just leave. He helps take care of the administration so that passengers can be handled.

"He was helped to take care of him inside, he was helped to take care of his BPJS, until papa could come in and be immediately treated by a doctor," he said.

Online motorcycle taxis saved my father's life

Thanks to timely assistance, the blockage experienced by @melzsia's father was successfully resolved through surgery. The father was admitted to the ICU but finally came out.

"Thank you Mr. Nurahman, thanks to your initiative in taking Papa to the hospital, Papa can be treated immediately," said @melzsia.

Nurahman's kindness touched @melzsia's heart. He hopes that online motorcycle taxi companies will show appreciation for Nurahman.

Online motorcycle taxis saved my father's life

@melzsia's post was immediately responded to by the TikTok account @gojekindonesia. The company said it would meet Nurahman directly and express its appreciation.

In a short time, Gojek Indonesia really gave awards. Nurahman is seen holding a certificate that says 'Excellent Driver Appreciation'.

This story immediately caught the attention of netizens. Many people are happy with what online motorcycle taxi drivers get. Apart from that, netizens also applaud the sincerity of drivers who want to help passengers.

Online motorcycle taxis saved my father's life

"I increasingly believe that goodness will bring us together with other goodness. Surely your father is really good, Sis, that's why we can also meet Mr. Nurahman, who is equally good and healthy, always a good person," said @tupperwheree

"Mr Nurahman, I hope you and your descendants will always have smooth sailing in everything...amen, Lord," wrote the account @delimama

"Thank you, Mr. Nurahman, you are a good person and one day you will definitely enter heaven because of your kindness," commented the account @tanah.

"Thank you, Mr. Nurahman and the brother who owns this tiktok. I was depressed because of something. Reading this story, I could cry and remember God's goodness, always be healthy, Dad, sis," said the account @happy.

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