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7 Februari 2024 03:45

The sin of missing the morning prayer, understand the virtues and law of neglecting it in Islam

The scholars emphasize that morning prayer is the key to success in this world and the hereafter. Muhamad Ikhlas Alfaridzi
The sin of missing the morning prayer, understand the virtues and law of neglecting it in Islam foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - The obligation to pray is a very important thing for a Muslim. Prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam that must be carried out by every Muslim. Prayer is also an obligation that cannot be abandoned, because it is a sign of obedience to Allah.

Prayer is very important, so in various circumstances, prayer is always mandatory. In health, sickness, peace, war, disaster, even in dying, prayer is still obligatory. The reason is, prayer is a means of communicating with Allah, providing calm and strength for the soul, and strengthening the relationship between humans and the Creator.

One of the most important prayers is the morning prayer . The morning prayer is the beginning of the daily prayer service. Performing morning prayers fervently can also strengthen a person's faith and piety. Therefore, Muslims must always prioritize the morning prayer as an obligation that must not be neglected.

But what happens if a Muslim misses the morning prayer? It turns out there is an explanation regarding the consequences, you know. You need to listen carefully to the following article. Summarized by brilio.net from various sources on Tuesday (6/2), see the explanation of the sin of missing the morning prayer, complete with the virtues and laws of neglecting it in Islam.

The law of morning prayer and its priorities.

photo: freepik.com

1. Ruling on morning prayers.

The morning prayer is fardhu (obligatory) in Islam. This law is based on several main postulates from the Al-Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. One of the related propositions of the Koran is Surah Al-Israa' (17:78) which states, "Establish prayer when the sun goes down until the darkness of night and at dawn. Verily, the morning prayer is witnessed."

There are also propositions from the Koran that emphasize the obligation to pray at dawn, including Surah Al-Baqarah (2:238) which means: "Maintain prayers, especially the middle prayer (dawn), and stand before Allah with humility."

In the hadith, the Prophet Muhammad SAW also strengthened the law of the morning prayer. Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, Rasulullah said, "The morning prayer is more important than the world and everything in it."

2. The priority of morning prayer.

Performing the morning prayer has extraordinary virtues. The Prophet said, which means:

"Whoever performs the morning prayer, he is under the protection of Allah." (Muslim historical hadith)

This virtue includes protection from various threats and blessings in everyday life.


3. Scholars' opinions.

The scholars agree that the morning prayer is an obligation that cannot be ignored. Ulama reminded that the time of Fajr, which is the beginning of the morning prayer time, has its own special feature, known as "fajar fingerprint." This time is the time when dawn is first visible on the eastern horizon, an important moment to start daily worship.

Thus, morning prayer is not only a religious obligation, but also a source of blessings and protection from Allah SWT. Doing it sincerely and on time is a form of a Muslim's obedience to His commands.

The sin of missing the morning prayer in Islam.


Missing the morning prayer in Islam is considered a major sin with serious consequences. The morning prayer has priority and a high position in the Islamic religion. Rasulullah SAW said, which means: "Whoever misses the morning prayer, then he loses Allah's protection."

The consequences include the loss of Allah SWT's protection, which can leave a person vulnerable to difficulties and temptations in everyday life. Meanwhile, the ulama's view of the sin of skipping morning prayers is very firm.

All scholars agree that skipping the morning prayer is an act that is highly discouraged and can bring Allah's wrath. The scholars also emphasized that morning prayers are the key to success in this world and the hereafter. So, leaving it means closing the door to blessings in life.

photo: freepik.com

The Qur'an also describes the importance of the morning prayer with verses that emphasize this obligation. Surah Al-Baqarah (2:238) reminds, "Maintain prayers, especially the middle prayer (Fajr), and stand before Allah with humility."

The verse above emphasizes that the morning prayer is a basic step in living a Muslim's life, and abandoning it means violating a direct command from Allah SWT.

Thus, leaving the morning prayer is not only a big sin, but also opens the door to various negative consequences and loss of blessings in life. Therefore, Muslims are advised to maintain obedience in carrying out the morning prayer as a form of devotion and obedience to Allah SWT.

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