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6 Mei 2024 06:29

The shape of the house is unique, here are 9 portraits of Ricky Harun's inline kitchen which is connected to the TV room

Ricky Harun is known to live in a minimalist style house with a unique triangular facade. Dewi Suci Rahmadhani
The shape of the house is unique, here are 9 portraits of Ricky Harun's inline kitchen which is connected to the TV room foto: YouTube/Niro Granite Indonesia;Instagram/@rickyharun

Brilio.net - Ricky Harun's name became increasingly popular when he played Galang in the series Ganteng-Ganteng Wolves with Prilly Latuconsina and Jessica Mila. But before that, he had starred in many series, FTV and films. Having the beautiful face of his mother, Ricky Harun seems to be the idol of his female fans.

Many people call his appearance a baby face even though he is getting older. After successfully gaining a career in the entertainment world, Ricky decided to marry Herfiza Novianti in 2013. Now entering 9 years of marriage, Ricky Harun and Herfiza's household has been blessed with four children.

This 37 year old actor often shares moments of togetherness with his wife and four children when he is at home. Ricky Harun is known to live in a minimalist style house with a unique triangular facade. The house was the result of renovations after he previously bought empty land to widen several areas of the house.

Not only does the facade attract attention, but the kitchen area in Ricky Harun's house also attracts attention. The reason is, the kitchen area is not very large and is only in a row, but the arrangement is neat. So, instead of being curious, let's take a peek at 9 portraits of Ricky Harun's kitchen that were collected by brilio.net from Instagram @rickyharun on Sunday (5/5).

1. The kitchen area in Ricky Harun's house is dominated by white and green and is equipped with a kitchen set. In the left corner of the kitchen there is also a refrigerator with a color that matches the kitchen interior.

photo: Instagram/@rickyharun

2. Apart from the kitchen set, the kitchen is also equipped with an island table. He placed the cooktop in the middle of the table.

photo: Instagram/@rickyharun

3. The middle of the kitchen set is filled with shelf shelves to place several decorations. Meanwhile, at the bottom there is a minimalist sink. Ricky Harun also uses the kitchen set table area to store cooking utensils.

photo: Instagram/@rickyharun

4. Several partitions are also made at the bottom of the kitchen set table to store eating and cooking utensils so that they look neat and orderly.

photo: Instagram/@rickyharun

5. Meanwhile, the cupboard at the top of the kitchen set is used to display his plate collection. The material in Ricky Harun's kitchen area is known to be made from multiplex material with a duco finish.

photo: Instagram/@rickyharun

6. Ricky also uses the bottom of the island table as storage space.

photo: Instagram/@rickyharun

7. The kitchen area of Ricky Harun's house is also adjacent to the dining table area which is dominated by brown wood.

photo: Instagram/@rickyharun

8. This area also directly connects to the TV room area. There is a large gray sofa which adds comfort when watching TV.

photo: Instagram/@rickyharun

9. The room is also separated by glass doors with a direct view of the swimming pool.

photo: Instagram/@rickyharun

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