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15 Februari 2016 10:00

The newest innovation of Rice Code made Japanese eat rice again

In the past 10 years, the main menu in every Japanese meal has been substituted by Western food. Victoria Tunggono
The newest innovation of Rice Code made Japanese eat rice again © Gagdaily.com

Brilio.net/en - Another breakthrough is done by Japan to help their farmers. The 8,000 inhabitants in Inakadate village in north Japan live by planting and harvesting rice. As the sales going down because of the declining population in the village, these people started to lose their income. Also, the Japanese started to change their eating habit from rice, especially in the past 10 years. It was the main menu in every Japanese meal and now it has been substituted to more Western food.

An innovation project was then launched to make people eat rice again. The farmers start to draw art pictures on the rice fields, using different hues from different types of rice. There are white, yellow, purple, orange, red and green rice planted in the same field in certain pattern that make up an image. These images could be anything, from Japanese geisha to Samurai to Ultraman to other famous characters. The art would be fully shown within 6 months after the first planting.

Not stopping there, the app called Rice Code is made to support this creative rice planting. Visitors could take picture of the rice field from distance using their mobile phones. The app would then identify the image and direct the user to buy rice online then have the rice package delivered to homes. The image could be taken live on the spot or taken from poster, flyer, website, or other sources. It is like scanning barcode with the art rice as the barcode, as this method has been successfully used in Japanese to buy things.

Image: adsoftheworld.com

This creative project has made Inakadate famous in media and shared in social media. The government is also supporting by making a new train station to facilitate the transport for visitors. The small quiet village is now a busy tourism destination and visited by tourists 30 times its population. No wonder if this project might soon be copied in all over the rice field countries. I guess we must leave it to Japanese to make crazy creative innovation that really works!

Rice Code - Inakadate, Japan

KEREN GILA!Disaat di negara kita sawah-sawah telah beralih fungsi menjadi apartemen, hotel dan pemukiman mewah. Inilah salah satu cara yang dilakukan oleh para petani di Jepang dalam berinovasi untuk menarik minat para anak muda yang hijrah ke kota untuk kembali ke desa dan mau turun ke sawah untuk bertani dengan tetap tampil keren dan ngehits. Hasilnya? JOSS BINGGO! Tidak cuma menghasilkan beras tapi juga menjadi tempat tujuan wisata baru dan mempopulerkan kembali pertanian.Indonesia? Kenapa tidak?!PANJANG UMUR PARA PETANI!#THXGODstudio #InspiringVideo

Posted by Thxgod Studio on Thursday, February 11, 2016
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