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2 April 2024 22:22

The intention of zakat fitrah and the procedures for fulfilling it, for yourself or others

The amount of zakat will be adjusted to each person's personal abilities and income. Brilio.net
The intention of zakat fitrah and the procedures for fulfilling it, for yourself or others foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - It is stated in one of the 4th pillars of Islam which requires all Muslims to pay zakat. In this blessed month of Ramadan, Allah SWT and His Messenger recommend every Muslim to set aside some of their wealth to people in need. The time for paying zakat is from the 1st of Ramadan to the 1st of Shawwal.

The obligation to pay zakat in accordance with Islamic law is stated in various propositions of the Koran. One of them is in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 43, which means "And establish prayer, pay zakat and bow along with those who bow." Apart from this verse, you can find the obligation to give zakat in 31 other verses spread across various surahs of the Koran.

Zakat worship is divided into two groups. The first group, namely those who pay zakat, are called Muzakki. Meanwhile, the group that receives zakat is called Mustahik. As for zakat, Islam has regulated in such a way the amount of zakat that must be paid. The amount of zakat will be adjusted to each person's personal abilities and income. If you currently want to pay zakat, but are still confused about reading the intention or how to carry it out, you can quote the information below.

No need to wait any longer, let's read this article until the end. The following are the intentions for zakat fitrah and the procedures for fulfilling it , for yourself or others, as reported by brilio.net from various sources, Tuesday (2/4).

(Intern/Zidan Fajri)

Intention of zakat fitrah for yourself or others.

photo: freepik.com

1. Intention of zakat fitrah for yourself (without being represented).

photo: special

Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri 'an nafsi fardhan lillahi ta'ala.

Meaning: "I intend to pay zakat fitrah for myself, fardhu because of Allah Lillahi Ta'ala."

2. Intention of zakat fitrah for yourself and all family members who are supported.

photo: special

"Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri anni wa an jami'i ma yalzimuniy nafaqatuhum syar'an fardhan lillahi ta'ala."

Meaning: "I intend to issue zakat fitrah for myself and all the people whose livelihood is my responsibility, fardu because of Allah Lillahi Ta'ala."

3. Intention of zakat fitrah for husband and wife.

photo: special

Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri 'an zaujati fardhan lillahi ta'ala.

Meaning: "I intend to pay zakat fitrah to my wife, fardu because of Allah Lillahi Ta'ala."

4. The intention of zakat fitrah is for boys who have not yet reached puberty.

photo: special

Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri 'an waladi (..) fardhan lillahi ta'ala.

Meaning: "I intend to issue zakat fitrah for my son's name, fardu because of Allah Lillahi Ta'ala."

5. The intention of zakat fitrah is for girls who have not reached puberty.

photo: special

Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri 'an binti (..) fardhan lillahi ta'ala.

Meaning: "I intend to issue zakat fitrah for my daughter's name, fardu because of Allah Lillahi Ta'ala."

6. Intention of zakat fitrah for other people being represented.

photo: special

Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri 'an () fardhan lillahi ta'ala.

Meaning: "I intend to pay zakat fitrah for (mention his name), fardu because of Allah Lillahi Ta'ala."

Procedures for paying zakat fitrah.

photo: freepik.com

The following is a guide or procedure for paying zakat fitrah:

1. The time has come to pay zakat.

The most important step in paying zakat fitrah is knowing the time. The time to pay zakat fitrah is at the beginning of the month of Ramadan until before the takbir sounds during Eid al-Fitr prayers. However, the recommendation for implementation is to prioritize after dawn on Shawwal 1 until before the Eid al-Fitr prayer.

2. Ensure the amount of zakat fitrah that must be paid.

The next step, you need to know how much zakat you have to pay. The amount of zakat is adjusted to the assets owned by each Muslim. The amount of zakat fitrah that has been determined is 1 shaq of dates or wheat which, if converted into rice, is 2.5 kg of rice. The amount of zakat fitrah cannot be less than the provisions, however if you want to give more than these provisions it is permissible.

Apart from zakat fitrah with rice, you can pay zakat with assets such as money, gold, or the like. The amount of zakat for payment of assets like this can be adjusted to the income or fixed income received each month.

3. Read prayers or intentions before paying zakat.

Before carrying out various activities and especially when they want to perform worship, Muslims are required to read a prayer or intention before doing something. Reading or reciting the intention can be done openly or secretly. The intention to pay zakat also varies depending on the subject who wants to pay it, for example the intention to pay zakat for oneself, or for the family, or other people.

4. Read prayers or intentions after paying zakat.

Just like before performing worship, after carrying it out, Muslims are advised to recite a prayer after successfully performing worship. The prayers offered after paying zakat are as follows:

photo: special

"Allahumma ij'alha maghnaman, wa la taj'alha maghraman"

Meaning: "O Allah, make this (my zakat) a savings for me (for this world and the hereafter) and do not make it a fine (which causes anxiety in my heart)."

That is the intention of zakat fitrah and the procedures for fulfilling it, for yourself or others. The hope is that after you understand the reading of the intention to pay zakat fitrah as above, along with the procedures for implementing it, you can immediately pay off your obligations in accordance with the rules of Islamic law. Hopefully this information is useful!

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