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11 Maret 2016 10:00

The Food Surgeon is equal parts creepy and delicious

Using medical tools such as scalpers he slices open the outer layer of the Kit Kat bar and transplants the spine into 3 Musketeers. Ivana Lucic
The Food Surgeon is equal parts creepy and delicious © adweek

Brilio.net/en - Who knew that sweet treats could be so eerie? Anonymous YouTuber who goes by the Screen name The Food Surgeon has been stirring up some interest lately with his YouTube channel that features medical procedures with your favourite candy.

The videos are professionally executed and have that creepy lighting thats usually reserved for budget horror flicks. Using medical tools such as scalpers he slices open the outer layer of the Kit Kat bar and transplants the spine into 3 Musketeers. Hes got the medical gloves and the suit and the dramatic lack of music with the dark lighting has this set up for internet success.

With videos like "Reese's Peanut-Butter-Ectomy with Oreo Cream Transplant" and "Strawberry Seed Extraction and Nutella Augmentation," he's definitely taking a page out of a plastic surgeon's playbook, attempting to modify, combineand perhaps improve the foods we simply accept in their natural forms.

Its equal parts fascinating to watch. Truly, nothings ever creeped us out while making us want to grab the nearest sweet treat at the same time. Theres something weirdly gratifying in watching the serious and sterile operation performed on candies, cookies and chocolates. And his (or her) meticulous skills have to be applauded. It takes one patient person to remove every raisin in a cookie with a pair of tweezers only to replace them with chocolate chips.

In his interview with AdWeek, the YouTuber with over 70,000 subscriptions keeps things light with some black humour sprinkled in. He admits he has no medical background whatsoever. The videos take up to 8 hours to make and edit and the surgeries often have to be recreated multiple times as he is only using one camera. When asked if a surgery every went horribly wrong, the response was equal parts comical and witty: Yes. For instance, during the Cookie Reassignment Surgery, one of my patients crumbled in my hands as I attempted to extract its raisins. When this happens, I simply eat the patient. Yum.

What the videos and youll appreciate this quirky mix of light-heartedness infused with a good dose of drama.

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