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17 Juli 2024 11:26

The family didn't have money to pay for petrol, this ambulance driver had the heart to drop off the baby's body at the gas station

This incident made a number of netizens angry, they really regretted the driver's attitude. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
foto: YouTube/Sukma_kiem; freepik.com

Brilio.net - Recently it went viral on social media, an ambulance driver had the heart to drop off a baby's body at a gas station. It is known that the reason the driver did this was because the family had no money when the driver asked for petrol money. Meanwhile, the family admitted that they had paid all the administration at the hospital cashier. This incident also became popular on social media, including posts on the Instagram account @interaktive.

It is known that the body was a patient from the Ade M Djoen Regional Hospital, Sintang, West Kalimantan at the Bujang Beji gas station. At that time, the family wanted to take the baby who had just been born but died. The man in the black jacket in the video, who is the deceased's family, admitted that he had paid Rp. 600 to the hospital for the ambulance fee.

However, when he arrived at the gas station, the ambulance driver asked for another nominal amount of IDR 400 thousand. Surprised by the nominal amount, the man in the black jacket then confessed that he didn't have any money, but the driver still insisted.

"Bang asked for 400 thousand to buy oil. I said I didn't have the money. We already paid at the cashier," he said in the video, quoted by brilio.net on Wednesday (17/7).

This ambulance driver had the heart to drop off a baby's body at a gas station

Even though he had explained that all the administration related to the ambulance had been completed at the cashier, the driver didn't care. In fact, the driver asked for a large amount, namely IDR 1 million, which of course the family could not afford. Because of this, the baby's body was then dropped off at the gas station where they stopped.

"Oh, I can't do that, it's none of my business. I have nothing to do with the cashier," said the man in the black jacket, imitating the ambulance driver's words.

After further investigation, it turned out that the man in the black jacket was the grandfather of the baby's body. Of course he admitted that he was sad and angry. In fact, he even wanted to hit the driver. Thankfully, he was still filled with patience.

"It's a pressured heart, it already hurts if I don't realize I can punch it. But I'm still self-conscious," he said while crying.

This ambulance driver had the heart to drop off a baby's body at a gas station

This incident immediately went viral and caught the attention of netizens. Many are looking for this heartless driver. The public's curiosity then paid off, finally it was discovered that the driver's name was Suardi. He finally defended himself.

In his statement, the night of the incident was not his job. However, he was asked to replace him because his friend who was on duty at that time was not present. Suardi also explained why he asked the corpse's family for additional money even though they had already paid it at the cashier.

"Then before leaving I was called by the grieving family, I don't know their names. Then he told me how much it would cost for an ambulance to get there," he said, quoted from merdeka.com.

The driver continued that the ambulance he used used different fuel. According to Suardi's statement, at that time the ambulance used Dexlite, which cost IDR 14,900. Meanwhile, the fee stated in the Governor's Regulation (Pergub) to cover fuel from hospitals is only IDR 9,500

"I said that my ambulance is different from the existing Gubernatorial Regulation because the ambulance I use uses dexlite fuel," said Suardi.

Because of the price difference, the driver asked the patient's family. However, in his statement, Suardi said that the Keukeuh family had already paid at the cashier.

This ambulance driver had the heart to drop off a baby's body at a gas station

"Well, I asked the patient's family for the difference in fuel. It turned out that the patient's family issued a letter stating that it had been paid at the cashier," he said.

Because of this, a dispute occurred between the two parties which resulted in Suardi bringing down the body of the baby and the family. However, the driver had a reason. He said he wanted to replace the ambulance he brought so that it complied with the Gubernatorial Regulation.

"I said I wanted to relieve the patient's family by replacing the ambulance with the Gubernatorial Regulation standard. That is the clarification I can convey," he said.

After providing clarification, Suardi as the driver apologized. He admitted that he was willing to accept sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations.

After this polemic occurred, the RSUD also apologized. They admit that there are still many shortcomings in service. However, with this incident, they are committed to improving services for the entire community.

"We as directors and all staff apologize to the entire community of Sintang Regency, especially to the families of the patients we served on July 15 2024. We admit that there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses in providing the best service for the entire community, but we will improve the professionalism of services and individual professionalism. ," said the Director of RSUD, Drg Toni Ridwan.

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