The folk song nenek moyangku seorang pelaut (my ancestors were sailors) might no longer be relevant in the future as seas and oceans becoming polluted by oil, trash and plastics.
A report published by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the World Economic Forum predicts that by 2050, there would be more plastic than fish in the sea.
How It Feels To Be A Part Of Minority In Indonesia
A slide of Ellen MacArthur Foundation's research on plastic economy.
Well, I feel so bad for those who would live in 2050. But, hey! Id be 56 by then. I might still be around.
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Consider this question: What is the best thing we can give to future generations?
Is it money? Gold? Diamonds? Cars? Mansions?
It might be.
But is that all?
I remember when I was a little kid, I used to sit in front of my house at night, staring at the sky. Dad used to challenge me, Can you count how many stars showed up tonight?
Now I start wondering if Id be able to do that with my future kids as things like light pollution and huge buildings prevent our eyes to witness the beauty of the clear sky.
I know we are so proud to have a lot of beautiful sea and marine life, but we aren't exactly respecting it.
And don't get me started on other environmental damage like air pollution, landslides caused by deforestation, flooding and many more.
Now, lets get back to my first question. What is the best thing to give?
Well, I am not going to say anyone is wrong if they have a material answer. Nothing wrong in making sure that our children or the future generation don't lack for money or other materials.
However, I do not think it is right for us to let them keep living in a damaged planet, especially if it is caused by our carelessness.
Even if I had $80 billion in my bank account, I would prefer my future children to breathe real air and see the same land and sea, at least, that I have known.
After all, unless the scientists find another planetfor us to live in, we only have this earth.