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18 Juli 2017 15:45

9 Violent Student Bullies Expelled From School

Why can't they just stick to books and pencils? Petra Hapsari
9 Violent Student Bullies Expelled From School Illustration: Shutterstock/GagliardiImages

Nine students have been expelled from school after being involved in a violent bullying against another student.

The act became a heated discussion after a video of a female student wearing white uniform being abused by other students wearing junior high uniforms. The location was identified to be Thamrin City shopping mall in Central Jakarta.

In the video, one of the students pulled the victim by her hair and did not stop even after the victim has fallen. Then, another student took turn in pulling the victim's hair while the victim did not attack them back.

At the end of the video, the victim was forced to kiss the bullies hands and even to kneel in front of them.

The bullying reportedly started after the victim and one of the bullies mocked each other over phone and ended up with them making appointment to meet at Thamrin City at around 1.30 p.m.

As the victim arrived, she was welcomed by the bully along with her other friends who were ready to attack her.

At 11.30 p.m. the same day, the victim reported the violence to the police, and she was sent to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital for medical check-up.

The victim and bullies have reportedly made peace with each other and the victims parents have dropped their police report.

But the story did not stop there.

While the victim and her parents might have forgiven the bullies, local education agency is apparently not as forgiving.

Jakarta Education Agency decided to expel the bullies involved in the act from their respective schools on Monday.

Based on Governor Instruction No. 15 Year 2012, students who are involved in a brawl [and/or] bullying are returned to their parents, said the Jakarta Education Office Head Sopan Adrianto on Monday.

The Head of Central Jakarta Education Agency Sujadi said they have decided to return the bullies to their parents at the latest this week and their parents have accepted the sanction.

There has been statement from the parents [that] they are ready to accept the sanction if it has been given by the school, Sujadi continued.

Moreover, Jakarta Education Office also revokes their KJP (Jakarta Smart Card) that gave them a lot of benefit including free ride with TransJakarta.

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