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17 Juni 2024 12:20

Taking photos of Car Free Day, this photographer accidentally captured the perpetrator of a mugging in Jakarta

The photographer's shots are considered strong evidence to find the perpetrator of the mugging. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
foto: X/@zakwanoe

Brilio.net - A photographer will usually try to take photos from various directions. This is done to get a good picture. Not a few also find unexpected moments when taking photos. This can make the resulting image unique and also funny.

As was done by the photographer with the Instagram username @asnanfoto. He accidentally photographed the moment of the mugging. The shots were posted by account X with the username @zakwanoe.

snatch portrait on cfd

It is known that the photographer photographed Car Free Day in Jakarta on Sunday 16 June 2024. He took the photo at 6 am, so the weather in Jakarta at that time still looked dark. Moreover, the city had just experienced rain, so the atmosphere still felt very cool.

Car Free Day is basically intended specifically for pedestrians. At that time, no vehicles were allowed to pass. However, because it was too early, there were several motorized vehicles still passing by.

snatch portrait on cfd

In the midst of his busy schedule taking photos at CFD, he accidentally photographed the moment of the mugging. The perpetrator of the snatch was seen taking a cellphone belonging to someone who was jogging. The face, the motorbike used, and the motorbike number plate were very clearly captured on camera.

"This morning, Sunday 16 June 2024, there was a cellphone snatch at CFD Jakarta. The perpetrator's face was caught on a photographer's camera," said the account @zakwanoe as reported by brilio.net on Monday (17/6).

snatch portrait on cfd

Seen in the photo, the perpetrator of the mugging was in action with his friend. One of them was driving a motorbike with a green jacket, while his friend who was sitting behind him was wearing red clothes. It was recorded before the action until finally the perpetrator managed to escape. They ride Beat Sporty motorbikes.

The @zakwanoe account got the photo through a running community group. He has also asked the photographer for permission to distribute it. One of the goals is so that the perpetrator can be caught quickly. Because the photo is very clear and can be used as evidence for the police.

"For the mugging victim, I hope the photo can be used as evidence to go to the police," he wrote.

snatch portrait on cfd

Apart from that, this photo can also be used to find the perpetrator. @zakwanoe asked netizens if anyone knew this person. It turns out that many people said that they had been mugged by someone who looked like the one in the photo.

"From some of the replies here, it seems that several people have also been victims of mugging by perpetrators with similar characteristics. Hopefully they will be caught quickly!"

The resulting photo then went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Many said that the perpetrator should have been caught quickly. Apart from that, netizens also praised the photographer's shots.

snatch portrait on cfd

"It's clear now, just look for where the person lives. I hope they catch it, ameen," said the account @yubiaksara

"Come on, the number plate and face are displayed very clearly, just check with your neighbors and see if anyone is there," wrote the account @_redlips_

"If it's viral, it's definitely going to be caught, if it's not viral, the face will look bright and clear, but it won't be caught. That's my experience," said @yesmar_banu

"This is just side effects street photography, the shots are great. They'll definitely catch on quickly," commented the account @txtfromdude.

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