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13 Maret 2017 16:40

Susi Pudjiastuti Might Be The Coolest Minister We’ve Ever Had

Can you be as cool as Susi sipping a cup of coffee and holding a cigarette in a kayak on open water? Adelia Anjani Putri
Susi Pudjiastuti Might Be The Coolest Minister We’ve Ever Had Indonesian Maritime and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti in World Economic Forum 2013. (AFP Photo/Adek Berry)

Susi Pudjiastuti has been a rock star and media darling since she was appointed as fisheries minister by President Joko Widodo in 2014.

Not only she refused to bow down to the patriarchy nor todon traditional look of female politicians, Susi proves that ones style has nothing to do with ones capability in getting the job done.

How do I go Viral (In Indonesia) ?

But lets not talk about politics, her decision to blow up illegal ships or her policy on banning the use of trawls and seine nets. Lets just talk about something that we can all agree how cool the minister is.

She built her own company, she proves that college degree is not the most important thing to have if you want to be successful, she takes time to respond to her followers on Twitter, shes not afraid to be herself in public from showing her tattoo, getting her hair colored, to smoking in public, and. do you know that she can also paddle the kayak on open water?

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