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28 April 2024 10:00

Sophisticated with the smart home concept, here are 9 portraits of Jessica Iskandar's luxury villa rooms using an AI system

Only with an AI system, access to the entire house can be controlled via voice Khansa Nabilah
Sophisticated with the smart home concept, here are 9 portraits of Jessica Iskandar's luxury villa rooms using an AI system Instagram/@inijedar; YouTube/Jonpowel Smart Home

Brilio.net - Jessica Iskandar is known as one of the Indonesian celebrities who exists in the world of entertainment. His name became famous after playing in the film Dealova in 2005. Since then, this 36 year old woman has been offered roles in films and soap operas, even becoming a television presenter.

Having rarely appeared on the small screen for a long time, Jessica is currently more active as a content creator. He is also busy with the business he is running. However, some time ago, he was cheated by his former business partner and lost almost IDR 10 billion.

As a result, Jessica had to sell several of her properties, one of which was her house in Jakarta . However, it is known that Jessica still owns several properties, one of which is her villa in Bali. Not just any villa, this place to stay is equipped with sophisticated facilities, namely a smart home.

One of the sophistications of this villa can be seen from the rooms that use an AI system. Only with this system, access to the entire house can be controlled via voice.

Here, brilio.net has collected a portrait of the room from YouTube Jonpowel Smart Home on Saturday (27/4).

1. The rooms in Jessica Iskandar's villa have a minimalist concept combined with a smart home.

jessica iskandar villa room
2024 YouTube/Jonpowel Smart Home

2. To open the curtains, Jessica doesn't need to touch them, she just needs to control them via command.

jessica iskandar villa room
2024 YouTube/Jonpowel Smart Home

3. Yups, Jessica equipped her house with an AI system that accepts control via voice.

jessica iskandar villa room
2024 YouTube/Jonpowel Smart Home

4. Even just to set a song, this smart home application can play it according to Jessica's request.

jessica iskandar villa room
2024 YouTube/Jonpowel Smart Home

5. The room design looks aesthetic and simple. This room is equipped with a minimalist table on the side.

jessica iskandar villa room
2024 YouTube/Jonpowel Smart Home

6. Meanwhile, for the door, Jessica has used a smart door lock. So to access it you only need to use your fingerprint.

jessica iskandar villa room
2024 YouTube/Jonpowel Smart Home

7. Likewise for the El Barack room which is equipped with a smart door lock.

jessica iskandar villa room
2024 YouTube/Jonpowel Smart Home

8. Not much different from Jessica's room, El Barack's room is also designed minimalist. The simple design gives a comfortable impression, right?

jessica iskandar villa room
2024 YouTube/Jonpowel Smart Home

9. Apart from that, Jessica added paintings to the walls to give a cheerful impression to the children.

jessica iskandar villa room
2024 YouTube/Jonpowel Smart Home

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