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30 September 2024 20:10

SKD test scheduling starts October 2, how to check the location and schedule for the 2024 CPNS Basic Competency Selection

Check here so you don't miss any information. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
foto: Liputan6.com/Maulandy; merdeka.com/Iqbal S. Nugroho

Brilio.net - After the end of the objection period and confirmation of the 2023 CPNS SKD scores, applicants can now download participant cards to take part in the 2024 CPNS Basic Competency Selection (SKD). This indicates that the 2024 CPNS selection process is getting closer and prospective Civil Servants (CPNS) need to prepare to undergo the SKD stages. This participant card is an important requirement to proceed to the next selection stage.

The official scheduling of the 2024 CPNS SKD test will begin on October 2, 2024. The exam is scheduled to take place from October 16 to November 14, 2024. Participants are expected to immediately prepare themselves as well as possible, one of which is by checking the SKD location they have chosen during the registration process. This location is important to ensure so that there is no confusion on the day of the test.

Each participant has previously filled in the SKD location during registration. To ensure the location and schedule of the 2024 CPNS SKD exam , participants can check online through the official CPNS portal. Make sure to always monitor the latest information regarding the exam schedule so you don't miss it, and print the SKD exam card that has been uploaded.

Here's how to check the location and schedule for the 2024 CPNS Basic Competency Selection as reported by brilio.net from various sources, Monday (30/9).

How to check the location and schedule of the 2024 CPNS Basic Competency Selection.

photo: sscasn.bkn.go.id

- How to check the 2024 CPNS SKD test location

1. Access the page https://sscasn.bkn.go.id/

2. Log in to the page by entering your Population Identification Number (NIK) and password.

3. Don't forget to fill in the captcha requested on the website. Then click login.

4. After that, your sscasn page will automatically display a resume. If there is none, you can click "Registration Resume"

5. Next, your profile will appear, starting from the exam location, then click "Print Exam Participant Card"

6. Next, download the exam participant card. The card shows the location chosen by the participant for the 2024 CPNS SKD exam.

- Basic Competency Selection (SKD) Schedule for 2024 National Civil Service Candidates

Referring to the Letter of the Acting Head of BKN Number 5419/B-KS.04.01/SD/K/2024, here is the 2024 CPNS SKD schedule.

1. Implementation of SKD CPNS: 16 October - 14 November 2024.

2. Processing of SKD CPNS scores: 23 October 16 November 2024.

3. Announcement of SKD CPNS results: 17 19 November 2024.

Generally, the exam participant card will state the exam schedule for each participant. However, if the card has not appeared, you should check the respective agencies you are applying to. For example, if you are applying to the Ministry of Bappenas, the way to check is quite easy, such as:

1. Open a browser on your cellphone or laptop then search for "cpns bappenas 2024" or "cpns Kemenkumham 2024"

2. The Google page will display the official page of the agency, then click on CPNS information.

3. If the scheduler has come out, then on the official website of the agency there will be an official announcement. However, if there is not yet, then wait until the scheduling is complete.

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