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3 Februari 2017 10:20

Jokowi Excludes Himself From SBY-MUI-Ahok Narrative

“Go to the court, ask them. Ask the people who talked about it, don’t give it to me.” Tunggul Kumoro
Jokowi Excludes Himself From SBY-MUI-Ahok Narrative

President Joko Widodo on Thursday claimed that he had nothing to do with the current dispute on Former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyonos allegations regarding wiretapping, political conspiracy, and Indonesian Ulema Council edict.

Thats an issue in the court, and it was Ahok and his lawyers who talked about it, Jokowi told state-owned news portal Antara. Go to the court, ask them. Ask the people who talked about it, dont give it (the problem) to me.

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The problem started from polemics saying that MUI displayed bias in issuing a recommendation about the Ahoks alleged blasphemy because someone in Jakarta gubernatorial candidate Agus Yudhoyonos camp, most likely his father the former president, influenced MUIs top officials.

Instead of his usual response of national issue tweeting, SBY gathered the media on Wednesday to speak his mind.

On a press conference held at the Democratic Party Headquarter in Central Jakarta claimed that he is not the mastermind behind current political debacle in Jakarta.

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He denied allegations that link him to the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) edict saying that Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnamas comment on a Koran verse is indeed a blasphemy. The edict, according to SBY, had nothing to do with him.

SBY tried to explain what happened during a meeting between Maaruf and his son, Jakarta gubernatorial candidate Agus Yudhoyono, and running mate Sylviana Murni at Nadhlatul Ulama (NU) Headquarter in October 2016.

I did send my regards to him (through my son). Also, that Id be glad to exchange our thoughts on Islam and other issues, SBY said.

There were also numerous officials of NU in attendance during that meeting.

The officials thought that I was coming to that meeting. Thats impossible, he said. Agus-Sylvi are independent (from me). People would say that hes under his fathers shadow (if I accompanied him there).

SBY said that though he has been talking to Maaruf through their aides, but it had nothing to do with Ahoks case or MUI part on the trial.

Its easier (for you) to just check rather than (to let me) being defensive. Go ask MUI if they were dictated or suppressed by me, he said.

Wiretapping incident

SBY brought up another issue during the press conference wiretapping civilians.

He asked where Ahok and his legal team retrieved the conversation transcript between him and Maaruf.

Ahok previously claimed that he was informed by his lawyer who got the information in the media.

SBY wanted the evidence to be shown to the public by anyone who has it. He also demanded an investigation to find who wiretapped his phone calls.

"If the conversation between me and Pak Ma'aruf Amin or anyone else was intercepted without a legitimate reason, court order, (then they are) abandoning the law. It was an illegal wiretapping. And if the motive was political, then it was political spying," he said.

As a civilian, I seek justice. Im waiting for a response from the law enforcement. The police do not need to wait for my report.

But, if the wiretapping was conducted by national institutions, SBY urged their top chief, President Jokowi, to give him an explanation.

"I really want to properly clarify (this issue) so we wouldn't completely lost in prejudice, presumption or mutual distrust," he said.

But I heard some people in his circle prevented him to meet me.

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