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7 Maret 2024 20:45

Rocky Gerung's 100 words are full of meaning and visionary

"When education is measured only in terms of grades, we miss its true essence." Niko Sulpriyono
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - When the name "Rocky Gerung" is mentioned, everyone knows that he is a philosopher from Indonesia. Rocky Gerung Malang has crossed the national and international scene in the field of thought, especially regarding the ideas of democracy and politics.

This man, who was born on September 20 1962, has become a figure who is often invited to various discussion events and seminars in Indonesia. His background in philosophy provides a strong foundation for in-depth analysis of social and political events.

Rocky Gerung is known for his courage in voicing views that are not always popular, as well as his involvement in discussing issues related to freedom of speech and democracy.

Rocky Gerung's thoughts are often considered controversial because of his sharpness in analyzing government policies and actions. He voiced his opinion regarding the importance of critical thinking and freedom of speech in building a democratic society.

Even though there are sometimes pros and cons, Rocky Gerung's firmness and intelligence in speaking have made an important contribution in increasing public awareness of crucial issues that affect this nation.

Therefore, Rocky Gerung's thoughts are very important for you to know. The following are Rocky Gerung's words as reported by brilio.net from various sources, Thursday (7/3).

Rocky Gerung's words about education

Rocky Gerung's words

1. "Education is the art of producing critical and independent humans."

2. "When education gets stuck in routine, creativity dies."

3. "Education should free the mind, not make humans robots."

4. "A good teacher is one who is able to arouse the desire to learn in students."

5. "Education is not just about filling the mind, but forming character."

6. "A good education system is one that treats each student as a unique individual."

7. "Don't teach children to be employees, teach them to be leaders and entrepreneurs."

8. "Education should empower, not make a person dependent."

9. "When education is measured only in terms of grades, we miss its true essence."

10. "Teachers are the architects of the future, and the curriculum is the blueprint for character building."

11. "Education should be a driver of intellectual growth, not just rote memorization."

12. "Inspirational teachers are those who foster a desire to learn in students."

13. "True education is that which creates critical and responsible citizens."

14. "When the curriculum ignores creativity, we lose the essence of the learning process."

15. "An effective teacher is able to bring subjects to life with relevant stories and context."

16. "Education is not just about teaching facts, but building critical thinking skills."

17. "An inclusive education system is one that values diversity and accommodates a variety of talents."

18. "When education becomes a vehicle for problem solving, we achieve a brighter future."

19. "Children learn by playing; education should reflect the nature of learning."

20. "Education is the foundation of progress, and every child deserves it."

Rocky Gerung's words about democracy

Rocky Gerung's words

21. "Democracy is a long process that requires active participation and deep understanding from every citizen."

22. "Constructive criticism is a form of love for democracy, helping us to continue to develop and improve the quality of life together."

23. "A healthy democracy requires open dialogue and in-depth discussions to achieve the best solutions for society."

24. "Political education is the key to increasing citizen participation in policy formation and decision making."

25. "In a democracy, freedom of speech is not only a right, but also a responsibility to express ideas wisely."

26. "Maintaining democracy is not just the government's job, but the responsibility of every citizen to contribute to their society."

27. "A well-functioning democracy involves every level of society, respects the rights of minorities, and promotes social justice."

28. "Transparency and accountability are important pillars in building a strong and trustworthy democratic system."

29. "Democracy is not an end goal, but an ongoing journey toward a more just and inclusive society."

30. "In a democracy, social justice must be the primary focus, ensuring that its benefits are felt by the entire society."

31. "It is important to develop leaders who understand that their power comes from the people and must be used for the benefit of the people."

32. "Maintaining democracy requires a deep understanding of human rights and individual freedoms."

33. "A healthy democracy involves not only the election of leaders, but also active participation in local and national decision-making."

34. "It is important to involve youth in the democratic process, because they bring energy and new perspectives to bring about change."

35. "In a democracy, empowering women is an important step towards gender equality and justice."

36. "Political participation is not only a right, but also a moral obligation of every citizen in maintaining the integrity of democracy."

37. "A strong democracy requires a sense of collective responsibility to build a just and civilized society."

38. "It is important not only to talk about democracy, but also to practice it in everyday life."

39. "In a democracy, sustainable development of society must be the primary goal, respecting the environment and cultural diversity."

40. "The sustainability of democracy depends on understanding that every vote has equal value in shaping our collective destiny."

41. "Democracy is a space for every voice to be heard, not just a stage for political power."

42. "Active citizen participation is a strong foundation for a healthy and sustainable democracy."

43. "Democracy is not only the right to vote, but also the obligation to contribute to the building of a just and inclusive society."

44. "When citizens are educated, democracy thrives, because knowledge is the key to making wise decisions."

45. "Constructive criticism is a form of love for democracy, leading to continuous improvement and growth."

46. "Free and independent media are the guardians of democracy, providing the information necessary for people to make intelligent decisions."

47. "Democracy is dynamic, requiring the active and continuous involvement of its citizens to face challenges and change."

48. "A good leader in a democracy not only leads, but also listens to and responds to the aspirations of the people."

49. "True democracy ensures the protection of minority rights and respects the plurality of views in society."

50. "Political education is a long-term investment in the sustainability of democracy, forming citizens who are aware of their rights and responsibilities."

Rocky Gerung's words about the law

Rocky Gerung's words

51. "Just laws are the basis of justice in society."

52. "When the law is ignored, justice is threatened."

53. "Good laws are a reflection of the moral values of a nation."

54. "The protection of human rights is the basis of a democratic legal system."

55. "Inequality in the law creates injustice in society."

56. "A law-abiding society is the cornerstone of a country's sustainability."

57. "Corruption undermines the foundations of law and creates distrust in the system."

58. "The law must create a sense of security and justice for every individual."

59. "Legal education is the key to forming legally aware citizens."

60. "When the law is not enforced, the sense of justice is lost."

61. "Law should be an instrument of justice, not a tool of power."

62. "An effective legal system must respond to societal dynamics in a progressive manner."

63. "The law should not be a tool for oppression, but rather for protecting individual freedom."

64. "Legal sustainability requires openness, accountability and community participation."

65. "Inequality before the law creates structural injustice in society."

66. "Corruption is a cancer that destroys the integrity of the nation's legal system and morality."

67. "Legal education is not only for professionals, but also for every citizen."

68. "Law must be a means of achieving social and economic justice."

69. "Legal reform is a critical step towards building a more just society."

70. "Good laws require the active participation and understanding of society."

71. "True justice cannot be achieved without strict law enforcement."

72. "The law must be able to protect human rights without discrimination."

73. "A deep understanding of the law is the key to an educated and engaged society."

74. "The law should be the commander-in-chief in the fight against inequality and discrimination."

75. "Public participation in the legal process creates more democratic justice."

76. "Openness and transparency are the foundations of strong law."

77. "The law must be inclusive, covering and protecting all levels of society."

78. "Legal education is not only to produce professionals, but also citizens who are aware of the law."

79. "Legal reform must keep pace with the times and demands of social justice."

80. "Legal impartiality can undermine public trust in the legal system."

Rocky Gerung's words about freedom of speech

Rocky Gerung's words

81. "Freedom of speech is a major milestone in realizing a democratic society."

82. "In freedom of speech, there is the power to change views and eradicate injustice."

83. "Freedom of speech is not only a right, but a responsibility for every individual in society."

84. "When freedom of speech is respected, society can grow and develop in an atmosphere of healthy discussion."

85. "Restrictions on free speech can be a threat to democracy and intellectual creativity."

86. "Freedom of speech requires awareness of the impact our words have on others."

87. "In free speech lies the power to create positive change and fight inequality."

88. "Freedom of speech is the main pillar in maintaining plurality and diversity of opinion."

89. "The right to voice an opinion is a human right that must be protected and fought for."

90. "Freedom of speech is not just an individual right, but the foundation of a progressive society."

91. "Freedom of speech is the pillar of courage that faces the truth."

92. "In freedom of speech, there is the power to reveal hidden injustices."

93. "Freedom of speech requires the maturity to take responsibility for the words spoken."

94. "Avoid restrictions on free speech, as they can hinder the evolution of thought."

95. "Freedom of speech is the path to deeper understanding and tolerance."

96. "Society that values free speech tends to be more inclusive and fair."

97. "In free speech, every view has value and can make a positive contribution."

98. "The right to voice one's opinion is the key to forming a democratic society."

99. "Freedom of speech builds bridges between differences and enriches diversity."

100. "Respecting free speech is the first step toward a more progressive and just society."

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