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5 April 2024 15:45

Reciting the intention of zakat fitrah for children, complete with Arabic, Latin and its meaning

Zakat fitrah for children is an obligation that must be fulfilled by parents who are responsible for their children. Brilio.net
Reciting the intention of zakat fitrah for children, complete with Arabic, Latin and its meaning foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Zakat fitrah for children is an obligation that must be fulfilled by parents who are responsible for their children. One of them is by paying zakat fitrah on behalf of children who have not yet reached puberty. The main purpose of paying zakat fitrah to children is to cleanse assets of bad qualities and to ensure children have enough for Eid al-Fitr .

As a parent, of course you also have other obligations to fulfill your child's rights in educating them about Islam according to religious law. Including providing knowledge about zakat and other acts of worship, both obligatory and sunnah.

If they are accustomed to carrying out zakat from a young age, then when they grow up, they will easily practice it. One of the zakat that Muslims must pay in the month of Ramadan is zakat fitrah. If you as a parent want to obtain information regarding reading zakat fitrah intentions for children, both in Arabic, Latin and the meaning, you can read the information below.

The following is a reading of the intention of zakat fitrah for children, complete with Arabic, Latin and its meaning, reported by brilio.net from various sources, Friday (5/4).

There are several things that need to be understood regarding zakat fitrah for children:

1. Parental responsibility

Parents have the primary responsibility to pay zakat fitrah on behalf of their children, especially those who have not reached the age of puberty, and also children who are not yet financially independent.

2. The amount of zakat fitrah

The amount of zakat fitrah that must be paid for children can be adjusted according to the abilities of each parent. Usually, the amount is equivalent to a certain value of the type of staple food commonly consumed by the community and is also in accordance with the regulations applicable in the area.

3. Provide benefits for children

Paying zakat fitrah to children is a way to ensure that children benefit, both spiritually and materially. Zakat fitrah also provides an opportunity for parents to educate children about the importance of sharing and helping others.

The priority of zakat fitrah for children

photo: freepik.com

1. Purify the heart

Zakat fitrah is an obligation for every capable Muslim, which aims to cleanse assets from negative traits, as well as a form of gratitude to Allah SWT.

2. Maintain the welfare of children

Paying zakat fitrah to children is a way to ensure welfare and sufficiency for them, especially for children who do not have their own income. It also shows parents' care and concern for their children's needs.

3. Rewards and blessings

Every good deed in Islam, including paying zakat fitrah, will provide a great reward before Allah SWT. By paying zakat fitrah for children, parents can collect additional rewards and blessings from Allah SWT.

4. Education in the value of goodness

By paying zakat fitrah for children, parents provide a direct example of the importance of sharing and caring for others to their children. This helps shape children's character in terms of kindness, generosity, and empathy towards others.

Reading zakat fitrah intentions for children

photo: freepik.com

Before parents represent their children in paying zakat fitrah, of course as parents you need to know the reading of the intentions or prayers addressed to your children. Boys and girls also have different pronunciations of texts. Therefore, it would be better if you memorize it according to the correct rules. The following is a reading of the intention of zakat fitrah for children, complete with Arabic, Latin and its meaning, including:

1. Reading the intention of zakat fitrah for boys who have not reached puberty

For parents who wish to represent the intention of reading zakat fitrah for sons who have not reached puberty, they can recite the following prayer:

photo: special

Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri 'an waladi (...) fardhan lillahi ta'ala.

Meaning: "I intend to issue zakat fitrah for my son's name, fardu because of Allah Lillahi Ta'ala."

2. Reading the intention of zakat fitrah for girls who are not yet mature

For parents who wish to represent the intention of reading zakat fitrah for daughters who have not yet reached puberty, they can recite the following prayer:

photo: special

Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri 'an binti (...) fardhan lillahi ta'ala.

Meaning: "I intend to issue zakat fitrah for my daughter's name, fardu because of Allah Lillahi Ta'ala."

3. Reading the intention of zakat fitrah for children who have reached maturity

The reading of zakat fitrah intentions for children who have reached maturity is different from children who have not yet reached maturity, because they must be represented by their parents. If the child has grown up and is able to pay zakat fitrah on his own, then he is allowed to read the intention for himself. The reading intentions for children who have reached adulthood are as follows:

photo: special

Nawaytu an ukhrija zakaata al-fitri 'an nafsi fardhan lillahi ta'ala.

Meaning: "I intend to pay zakat fitrah for myself, fardhu because of Allah Lillahi Ta'ala."

That's an article about reading zakat fitrah intentions for children, complete with Arabic, Latin and their meanings. The hope is that after you know the reading of the intention of zakat fitrah for children, you can represent them in carrying out this worship. As a parent, you also need to educate your children from a young age regarding the guidelines for carrying out worship, especially zakat.

So that if the child has entered puberty and is able to carry it out on his own, he can easily practice it without needing guidance from parents. You can also recite the intention of zakat fitrah for all family members and also represent other people who are unable to pay their zakat. Hopefully this information is useful!

(Mgg/Zidan Fajri)

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