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15 Juli 2024 08:00

Proof of the difficulty of finding work, the story of this woman who was unemployed for 2 years even though she graduated cum laude makes you sad

Having the title of best graduate apparently does not make it easier to find work. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
Proof of the difficulty of finding work, the story of this woman who was unemployed for 2 years even though she graduated cum laude makes you sad foto: TikTok/@holla.fellas

Brilio.net - Currently, many graduates are unemployed even though they have prestigious degrees. This is caused by several factors, one of which is the limited employment opportunities. Meanwhile, there are always an abundance of campus graduates every year. Not to mention the issue of campus graduates who do not have the skills to meet market needs.

That's what happened to this woman named Abel . Even though he managed to graduate in 3.5 years with cum laude honors, in reality this achievement did not mean that he had a smooth path to getting a job. Through his TikTok account with the username @holla.fellas, Abel shared his story about how difficult it is to find work.

In his upload, he admitted that he had graduated on June 2, 2022. With his cum laude title, many people think that it will be easy for him to find work. Moreover, Abel also holds the title of best graduate.

photo: freepik.com

But unfortunately, predictions are not as beautiful as reality. Two years after graduating, Abel admitted that he had not yet found a job. He has gone through various twists and turns that have left him still adrift as a job seeker.

Abel admits that he is not at all the type of person who is picky about work. He had previously been accepted as an employee at a company. However, this position did not last long. Abel decided to stop due to several factors.

" Wow, even though I don't choose to work, I had time to work but it didn't last long so I haven't settled down until now... I'm also surprised that I can do whatever I want to do as long as it's appropriate, but what happens when I get a nice boss, my work partner isn't nice, but when I get a work partner "what's good is the boss who's not good, " he said in his caption, as reported by brilio.ne t on Monday (15/7).

photo: TikTok/@holla.fellas

Therefore he tried to seek his luck elsewhere. Various efforts have been made, including applying for jobs anywhere. Unfortunately, he never got very far. More often than not, they are stopped during the interview process and end up not hearing back from the place where they are applying for work.

He also finds it difficult to get a job where he has physical qualifications and experience. This will make it difficult for him, because he is just starting to enter the world of work. Of course there is no experience to bring.

Not only that, other obstacles also sometimes come in the way, such as rivals who are both looking for work but through insiders. Of course he couldn't win and he could only curse in his heart.

" Not to mention, if you are competing with family dynasties and people in Xixi, the fresh graduates really don't have any experience, " he said.

photo: TikTok/@holla.fellas

This makes him jealous of other people outside of those who have been prepared for the future by his parents. Apart from that, he also felt pressured because he was always required to achieve many things. All Abel could do was accept reality.

" Sometimes I'm also jealous when I see some friends whose future is already neatly planned, they don't need to think and don't have to think about it, they have to do this, they have to do that, after they graduate, they are fully supported by their parents, assisted by sponsors, at least if they don't give them a job, they give them capital for their business, especially since their children already have a passion there, right? " he continued. Abel.

Apart from continuing to try, he could only dream. Abel also has fears about whether he will fail again or whether he will get a chance. At this moment, all kinds of thoughts had piled up in his head which made him say that anyone who lived with privilege was lucky.

" You are lucky, those of you who have the privilege, who are not the first child to be an only girl and whose parents are not divorced~ ," he continued.

This story then went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. They certainly provided moral support to Abel so that he would not give up in his efforts. Apart from that, there are quite a few people who have experienced something similar.

" I also haven't settled on one job. Sometimes the environment or the boss is not good. Even though the age continues, the maximum age is 25, where can I get a locker anywhere ," said the account @ranakartika.

" Ka, I also graduated from S1 in June 2021 and then got a job in February 2021. Keep your spirits up, even though we think it's impossible, but for the sake of Allah, we have to believe that Allah is with the prejudices of His servants, always have good thoughts, bro ," wrote @maystylelocal.

" Cheer up sis, I'm a 2021 graduate, I was unemployed for 1 year then worked close to home for 6 months and then went abroad for work outside the city. Thank God, I've had good luck outside the city until now, " said the account @libragirls

" Sis, you are great, I graduated in 2023 and am still unemployed until now, " commented the account @chicewy.

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