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5 Maret 2024 21:45

Prayer for breaking the Ramadan fast along with its meaning, benefits and priorities

The prayer for breaking the fast is said when breaking the fast at sunset or when the evening call to prayer is heard. Kharisma Alfi Tiara
Prayer for breaking the Ramadan fast along with its meaning, benefits and priorities foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - The holy month of Ramadhan will soon arrive, it is estimated that March 11, 2024 will be the first day Muslims fast. It must be a moment that every Muslim in the world is waiting for. The reason is that the month of Ramadan is a month full of blessings and a valuable opportunity for Muslims to get closer to Allah SWT and increase piety.

In the holy month of Ramadan, every Muslim is required to fast for a whole month. During fasting, Muslims must refrain from eating and drinking from the time of sahur (dawn) until the time of breaking the fast when the Maghrib call to prayer is called.

After fasting , it is time for every Muslim to break the fast. When breaking the fast there is also a prayer that is a practice for every Muslim. Well, the following is an explanation of the prayer for breaking the fast, its importance, and the benefits of fasting in Ramadan, summarized by brilio.net from various sources on Tuesday (5/3).

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The prayer for breaking the fast is said when breaking the fast when the sun sets, and the breaking of the fast is also marked by the sound of the Maghrib call to prayer.

"Allahumma laka shumtu wa bika amantu wa'ala rizqika afthartu. Birrahmatika yaa arhamar roohimin."


"Oh God, for You I fast, and for You I believe, and with Your sustenance I break the fast. With Your mercy, O Most Merciful and Merciful." (HR Bukhari and Muslim).

However, there is also an authentic hadith about the prayer of breaking the fast, which was narrated from the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace.

"Dzahabazh zhomeu wabtallatil uruqu wa tsabatal ajru God willing."


"The thirst has disappeared, the throat has been moistened, may there be a fixed reward, if God wills (Sahih Hadith, History of Abu Daud [2/306, no. 2357])."

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Ahead of the holy month of Ramadhan, every Muslim is encouraged to read the prayers to welcome the holy month of Ramadhan, in order to increase piety and gain blessings.

Based on the hadiths narrated by At-Tabarani and Imam Ad-Dailamai, the following is the reading of the prayer to welcome the Holy Month of Ramadan practiced by the Prophet SAW.

"Allhumma sallimn li Ramadhna, wa sallim Ramadhna l, wa sallimhu minn."


"O Allah, save me (from illness and other ailments) for the sake of (worship) the month of Ramadan, save (the sighting of the crescent moon) Ramadan for me, and save me (from vices) in the month of Ramadan."

"Allahumma barik lana fi rajaba wa sya'bana wa balighna ramadlana."


"Oh God, bless us in Rajab and Sha'ban and meet us in Ramadan."

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a. Prayers for people who break their fast will not be rejected

Prophet Muhammad SAW said,

"There are three people whose prayers are not rejected: (1) The righteous leader, (2) The one who fasts when he breaks his fast, (3) The prayer of the oppressed." (HR. Tirmidhi no. 2526 and Ibnu Hibban 16/396, authentic).

When breaking the fast is the time when prayers are answered because at that time the fasting person has completed his worship in a state of submission and humility (See Tuhfatul Ahwadzi, 7: 194)."

b. Read a prayer before breaking the fast

From Aisha, may God be pleased with her, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said,

"When one of you eats, he should say the name of Allah Taala (that is, read bismillah). If he forgets to say the name of Allah Taala at the beginning, he should say: "Bismillaahi awwalahu wa aakhirohu (with the name of Allah at the beginning and at the end )"." (HR. Abu Daud no. 3767 and At Tirmidhi no. 1858, hasan sahih)."

c. Various dishes when breaking the fast

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said,

"Whoever feeds a fasting person will have the same reward as the fasting person, without reducing the fasting person's reward in the slightest." (HR. Tirmidhi no. 807, Ibnu Majah no. 1746, and Ahmad 5/192, hasan sahih)."

The benefits of fasting Ramadan

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Ramadan fasting is an obligatory act of worship for Muslims that has many benefits, both in terms of religion and health. Here are some benefits of Ramadan fasting:

1. Increase piety

Ramadan fasting aims to train oneself to be more obedient and obedient to Allah SWT, by refraining from things that invalidate the fast, such as eating, drinking, conjugal relations, as well as other immoral acts.

2. Eliminate sin

Ramadan fasting is one of the ways to erase the sins that have been committed, both intentional and unintentional. The Prophet SAW said, "Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and hoping for a reward, his past sins will be forgiven." (HR. Bukhari no. 37)

3. Handle libido

In fact, Ramadan fasting teaches us to control our passions and guard our eyes, mouth, and other body parts from bad deeds. Fasting also helps everyone to be more patient, tawakkal, as well as asceticism (staying away from worldly influence).

4. Increase alms

Ramadan fasting encourages us to care more and share with others, especially those who are less fortunate. You could say that fasting also makes you more appreciative of the blessings that Allah SWT has given you, such as food, drink and health.

5. Perfecting obedience

It's a loss for people who don't fast, because fasting is an opportunity to improve the quality of worship, such as prayer, Al-Quran recitations, dhikr, prayer, etc. so that it makes you closer to Allah SWT and feels His presence in every moment. worship.

6. Increase gratitude

Another meaning of fasting is to refrain from committing sins so that you become a person who is more grateful for the blessings that Allah SWT has given you. Therefore, fasting during Ramadan reminds you to always be grateful to Allah SWT for all the blessings you have been given, both visible and hidden. Apart from that, fasting also makes you more aware of the pleasures of health, hunger and thirst which are often ignored.

7. Lose weight

Not only does it provide benefits from an inner perspective, Ramadan fasting also has benefits from a physical health perspective. For example, it can help you lose weight significantly, because during fasting you reduce calorie intake and burn fat in the body. It's not surprising that fasting can reduce weight. Apart from that, fasting can increase metabolism and growth hormones which are good for humans.

8. Improves heart health

During fasting, you don't consume anything for 10-12 hours, thereby lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure. This is good for reducing the risk of heart disease. Apart from that, fasting can also regulate triglycerides and prevent blood clots.

9. Increases insulin sensitivity

Ramadan fasting can increase insulin sensitivity, namely the ability of body cells to respond to insulin and absorb glucose. Not only that, fasting can also reduce insulin resistance, which is a condition where the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin and causes blood sugar levels to decrease.

10. Improves the immune system

Lastly, the health benefits of Ramadan fasting are that it helps improve the immune system, which is the body's defense mechanism against disease and infection. In particular, fasting can also increase the production of white blood cells, which play a role in fighting bacteria, viruses and parasites.

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