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20 Januari 2017 21:10

Poltracking Survey: Agus-Sylvi Lead Jakarta Election

The race is still tight for all candidates. Syifa Fauziah
Poltracking Survey: Agus-Sylvi Lead Jakarta Election © cultureindo.com

Poltracking survey agency has conlcuded their latest survey for the upcoming Jakarta gubernatorial election. Result shows narrow electability between three competing pairs during November 2016 to January 2017 period.

Agus Yudhoyono and running mate Sylviana Murni lead the race, while Basuki Tjahaja Purnama - Djarot Saiful Hidayat and Anies Baswedan - Sandiaga Uno trailing behind.

"Agus-Sylvi went from 27.92% (in November 2016) to 30.25% (in Januari 2017)," said Poltracking Executive Director and Research Hanta Yuda onThursday.

The survey also showsAhok-Djarot's electability rising significantly, alhough they are still behind Agus-Sylvi.

"The electability of Ahok-Djarot increases significantly by 6,88%, from 22% (in November 2016) to 28.88% (in January 2017)," he explained.

However, the highest increase belongs to Anies and Sandiaga.

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"Anies-Sandi displays the most significant increase, which is 8.21%, from 20,42% (in November 2016) to 28,63% (in January 2017)," he explained.

With this tight result, Hanta predicted that each pairstill has a chance of winning the election.

"All the candidates are still very competitive. In other words, they have the same chanceto be eliminated in the first round. Nobody has experienced skyrocketing electability increase," he said.

The survey was conducted from Jan. 9 to 13, 2017. The research method used was multi-stage random sampling with 800 respondents, 3.45% margin of error, and 95% confidence level.

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