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10 Januari 2025 17:30

Oily stoves cause odors, here's how to get rid of them so they're dry, fragrant, and don't cause rust.

Cleaning the stove area after cooking is a simple habit that can prevent this problem. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Oily stoves cause odors, here's how to get rid of them so they're dry, fragrant, and don't cause rust. foto: Instagram/@tinissn_

Brilio.net - The stove area is often the main "victim" when cooking activities take place. Splashes of oil, spilled spices, and small food scraps usually stick to the surface of the stove. If not cleaned immediately, these stains will settle and leave oily traces that not only interfere with the appearance, but also make the surface of the stove feel sticky and difficult to clean.

The problem is, oil stains left too long are not just about aesthetics. The settled oil can cause an unpleasant odor that spreads throughout the kitchen. Worse still, this oil residue can trigger rust on the metal material of the stove, especially when mixed with humidity or water. As a result, the stove's life can be shortened, and you have to spend additional costs for maintenance or replacement.

Prevention is better than cure. Cleaning the stove area after cooking is a simple habit that can prevent this problem. In addition to keeping the kitchen neat and fragrant, this step also helps extend the life of the stove.

Basically, cleaning a greasy stove is not difficult. You can even rely on some simple ingredients in the kitchen to clean it, as Instagram user @tinissn_ did. Through one of the videos uploaded, she admitted to only using two kitchen ingredients to clean the stove from oil stains, so that it becomes more dry, fragrant, and durable.

photo: Instagram/@tinissn_

As reported by brilio.net from Instagram @tinissn_ on Friday (10/1), the kitchen ingredients in question are baking soda and vinegar. So for the application, you only need to prepare water in a spray bottle first. Then add vinegar and baking soda to taste, then shake until all ingredients are evenly mixed.

photo: Instagram/@tinissn_

Next, spray this liquid directly onto the oily surface of the stove. After that, wipe it with a dry cloth. Later, baking soda and vinegar will make the oil stains easier to lift, so they don't leave slippery marks that have the potential to become rust.

photo: Instagram/@tinissn_

For maximum results, you can clean the stove thoroughly like this, every time you finish cooking. That way, the stove will always be shiny and of course odorless. On the other hand, the cooking process will also be more comfortable later.

Basically, a mixture of water, vinegar, and baking soda is effective in removing oil stains on the stove because of the combination of chemical properties of each ingredient. Vinegar contains acetic acid which is able to break down the fat molecules in the oil, making it easier to lift from the surface. Baking soda, which is alkaline, works by loosening stubborn stains through a mild abrasive reaction.

When these two ingredients are mixed, a chemical reaction occurs that produces carbon dioxide bubbles. These bubbles help lift dirt from the surface of the stove without damaging the material. The water in the mixture acts as a solvent to ensure the solution spreads evenly and makes the cleaning process easier. This combination is not only environmentally friendly, but it is also effective at cleaning without harsh chemicals.

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