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1 Oktober 2024 11:10

October 1st is commemorated as Pancasila Sanctity Day, this is the meaning and history behind it

Through this commemoration, it is hoped that the public can better understand the meaning of Pancasila and the long history behind it. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Pancasila Sanctity Day, which is commemorated every October 1, has a deep meaning for the Indonesian nation. This date was chosen as a tribute to Pancasila, the state ideology that has succeeded in maintaining its existence from threats that could shake the unity of the nation.

Basically, this commemoration also reminds the younger generation about the importance of maintaining the values of Pancasila as the foundation of the country that unites. Where the history of Pancasila Sanctity Day cannot be separated from the tragic events of the September 30th Movement in 1965, where a coup attempt occurred that threatened the country's sovereignty.

Thanks to the power of the Pancasila ideology, the Indonesian nation managed to rise and overcome the threat, proving that Pancasila is a solid foundation for the state. Therefore, October 1st is an important moment to remember the struggle to maintain these noble values.

Through this commemoration, the public is expected to be able to better understand the meaning of Pancasila and the long history behind it. Not only to remember the past, but also as a reflection so that the values of Pancasila continue to be applied in everyday life to maintain the unity and integrity of the nation amidst the challenges of the ever-changing era.

So what is the history and meaning of October 1? Let's see more below, reported by brilio.net from various sources, Tuesday (1/10)

The meaning and history of October 1st Pancasila Sanctity Day

photo: pa-jombang.go.id

The Meaning of October 1st as Pancasila Sanctity Day

Pancasila Sanctity Day, which is commemorated every October 1, has a deep meaning as a symbol of the victory of the Pancasila ideology over threats that threaten the survival of the Indonesian nation. The meaning of "sanctity" in this context refers to the ability of Pancasila as a solid foundation of the state and unshakeable by various forms of threats, both from within and outside the country.

The event that underlies this commemoration is the attempted coup by the September 30th Movement in 1965, better known as G30S/PKI. The movement attempted to overthrow the government and replace the Pancasila ideology with communism.

As a result of this incident, the lives of the Generals were lost, resulting in Soeharto, who at that time was the Commander of the Army Strategic Reserve Command (Pangkostrad), establishing October 1 as Pancasila Sanctity Day within the Indonesian Army.

The commemoration of Pancasila Sanctity Day is not only a tribute to those who died in defending the country's sovereignty, but also a reminder that the Pancasila ideology is the mainstay of the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation.

The values contained in Pancasila, such as humanity, unity, social justice, and belief in God, have become the foundation of a pluralistic nation and state. Therefore, Pancasila Sanctity Day is expected to inspire all Indonesian people to continue to maintain, practice, and preserve the noble values of Pancasila in everyday life.

Another meaning of Pancasila Sanctity Day is as a momentum to strengthen unity amidst the differences that exist. How could it not be, Indonesia is a country with diverse tribes, religions, races, and cultures, but through Pancasila, all elements of society can unite. Therefore, October 1st is always a moment of reflection so that the Indonesian people do not forget the importance of maintaining the unity and unity of the nation.

History of Pancasila Sanctity Day

The history of the commemoration of Pancasila Sanctity Day began with a dark event that occurred on the night of September 30, 1965. On that night, a group of military personnel who were members of the September 30 Movement (G30S/PKI) attempted a coup targeting a number of high-ranking Army officers .

The movement was led by the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), which aimed to overthrow the Sukarno government and replace Pancasila with communist ideology. In its coup attempt, G30S/PKI kidnapped and killed six Army generals and one mid-ranking officer, known as the Heroes of the Revolution.

The victims were General Ahmad Yani, Lieutenant General Suprapto, Lieutenant General MT Haryono, Lieutenant General S. Parman, Major General DI Panjaitan, Major General Sutoyo Siswomiharjo, and Captain Pierre Tendean. The kidnapping and murder were carried out cruelly, where their bodies were later found in Lubang Buaya, Jakarta.

However, the coup was thwarted by the Indonesian military under the command of Major General Suharto. On October 1, 1965, military forces managed to regain control of the situation and crush the movement. As a sign of the success of thwarting the coup attempt and maintaining the country's sovereignty, the government then designated October 1 as Pancasila Sanctity Day.

This commemoration is a moment to remember the services of the Revolutionary Heroes who died in an effort to defend Pancasila as the state ideology. In addition, this commemoration is also intended to emphasize that Pancasila, as the foundation of the state, remains strong and cannot be replaced by any ideology, including communism.

The relevance of Pancasila Sanctity Day in the present day

Until now, Pancasila Sanctity Day remains relevant in the context of maintaining national unity. Challenges to the Pancasila ideology may be different from the past, but threats to national unity still exist, such as in the form of radicalism, intolerance, and social division. Pancasila, with its five principles, continues to be a strong fortress in facing these challenges.

Therefore, the commemoration of Pancasila Sanctity Day every October 1st is not merely a ceremony, but becomes a shared reflection to remind all elements of society that the unity and integrity of the nation is something that must continue to be maintained. The younger generation needs to understand that Pancasila is a national heritage that has stood the test of time and various tests, so it must be maintained and practiced properly.

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