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22 April 2024 06:00

Now choose to open a food stall in the village, these 11 portraits of Isa Bajaj's tiny kitchen next to the stairs

Isa Bajaj's simple food stall is named Warung Europe. Dewi Suci Rahmadhani
foto: Instagram/@isa_bajaj;YouTube/Isa Bajaj

Brilio.net - Television viewers will definitely be familiar with the comedy group Bajaj trio . This comedy group, which consists of Melky Bajaj, Aden Bajaj and Isa Bajaj, often appears on a number of TV shows. The names of the three became increasingly popular when they starred in the religious series entitled The God Seekers.

However, recently the three of them have begun to rarely be seen on the small screen and have focused on pursuing their respective careers. Like Isa Bajaj who has now decided to return to his hometown. He also brought his wife and children to live in Magetan, East Java.

Isa is also known to have opened a simple food stall called Warung Europe. This Bajaj personnel also directly cooks the orders for visitors themselves, you know. Isa often shares moments when he cooks while accompanied by his wife.

While cooking, you can see the appearance of Isa's kitchen , which is quite simple and small next to the stairs. So what is the portrait like? Following is brilio.net's summary from Isa Bajaj's YouTube on Saturday (20/4).

1. This is what Isa Bajaj's tiny kitchen looks like, which is located next to the stairs. He chose not to use a kitchen set to store his cooking utensils.

photo: YouTube/Isa Bajaj

2. Even though it looks small, Isa Bajaj's kitchen is equipped with windows that function as air circulation.

photo: YouTube/Isa Bajaj

3. Isa also uses the area next to the window to store eating and cooking utensils. He relies on an iron shelf to store his kitchen items.

photo: YouTube/Isa Bajaj

4. His small pots and pans were hung neatly in the corner of the kitchen wall.

photo: YouTube/Isa Bajaj

5. Meanwhile, the end of the kitchen table is used as a place to wash dishes equipped with a cloth and dish soap.

photo: YouTube/Isa Bajaj

6. Meanwhile, the bottom of the kitchen table is also used as a storage area.

photo: YouTube/Isa Bajaj

7. Not only shelf shelves, Isa also uses wooden shelves attached to the wall to store a collection of bowls and glasses.

photo: YouTube/Isa Bajaj

8. This is what the stove looks like in Isa Bajaj's kitchen in the village. He appeared to be using a two-burner gas stove for cooking.

photo: YouTube/Isa Bajaj

9. The kitchen area also appears to be adjacent to the shop visitor area. The room is dominated by brown wooden ornaments.

photo: YouTube/Isa Bajaj

10. There are many chairs provided by Isa for visitors to the food stall.

photo: YouTube/Isa Bajaj

11. Apart from wooden chairs and tables, Isa is also creative in using used drums to make tables and chairs.

photo: YouTube/Isa Bajaj

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