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4 Juli 2017 15:00

This 100-Year-Hoodie Is Designed To Outlast You

It can resist rips, burns, abrasion and extreme temperature. Tunggul Kumoro
This 100-Year-Hoodie Is Designed To Outlast You © vollebak

An outdoor equipmentstart-up Vollebak has just gone mad with their idea for inventing the most unthinkable sportswear ever. "The Hundred Year Hoodie," might look like your average hoodie, but it's actually a softer version of Kevlar jacket.

The company claims that their product is capable to last through thousand of washes and wears also around hundreds of accidents, making it's possible to outlive the wearer.

Despite of its indestructible feature, the hoodie won't be like any medieval steel vestbecause it's designed to be absolutely as soft as cotton and to be able toendure all kinds of hardcore tests by athletes, adventurers and scientists, such as taking sparks from a grinder or an open flame from a blowtorch.

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The 100-Year-Hoodie comes in two color options, charcoal and lemon. However, exposing it to UV light will make the color fades permanently and the color might look different.

The price tag? USD 300 each.

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The price might sound expensive, but if you divide it into a hundred years (if the name turns out to be true), you'll only pay USD 3 per year. Not a big deal, right?

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