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22 Agustus 2024 11:40

No longer using the user password X can now log in with a passkey, find out the meaning and how to do it

Previously, this passkey feature was introduced for iOS users in the US in January. Muhamad Ikhlas Alfaridzi
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter , has just announced the launch of the passkeys feature in the application with their Android launcher. Previously, this passkey feature was introduced for iOS users in the US in January, and then expanded globally last April.

The security features on X offer more secure authentication credentials compared to traditional passwords, which are highly vulnerable to theft or hacking. With Passkey, Elon Musk's social media user can only log into his X account with just a fingerprint or facial recognition, without having to remember complicated passwords.

So, to know more clearly, and how to log in with a passkey, you really need to read the explanation summarized by brilio.net below, Wednesday (21/8).

Passkey feature on X app

photo: freepik.com

The passkey feature on the X app is a modern authentication technology designed to increase user security when accessing their accounts. Passkey eliminates the need to remember or enter traditional passwords, which are often vulnerable to cyberattacks such as phishing or brute force.

Instead, passkey uses a combination of a users biometrics, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, and hardware on the users phone or computer to secure access. This means that only users with registered and pre-set devices can access their accounts, providing a higher level of security than traditional authentication methods.

In addition to increasing security, passkey also offers more convenience for users. With passkey, users can log in to their accounts with just one click or touch without having to enter information manually.

This will certainly greatly reduce the risk of errors when typing passwords and speed up the login process, especially for users who frequently log in and out of the application. This feature also supports multi-platform, meaning users can log in with a passkey on various devices they have, as long as the device is registered and supports biometric technology.

In the context of X application development, the implementation of the passkey feature reflects a commitment to providing advanced and user-friendly security solutions. As digital security threats increase, passkey is an ideal solution for users who want extra protection without sacrificing convenience. This technology also helps reduce reliance on passwords, which have historically been a weak point in online account security.

How to login to X account using Passkey feature

photo: freepik.com

To login to account X using the passkey feature, follow these steps carefully:

1. Make sure the device is supported and registered

Before using the passkey feature, make sure the device you are using, such as a smartphone, laptop, or tablet, supports biometric technology such as fingerprints, facial recognition, or device PIN. In addition, the device must be registered to your X account.

If you haven't already, open the X app and go to your account settings. There, select the "Security" or "Passkey" option and follow the instructions to register your device. This process usually involves confirming your identity via a fingerprint or facial recognition stored on your device.

2. Start the login process

Once your device is registered, open the X app or website. On the login page, you will see the option to Login with Passkey. Select this option to start the login process using a passkey.

The system will automatically detect the device registered to your account. If the device you are using is a registered device, the next step will involve biometric authentication.

3. Biometric authentication or PIN

At this point, your device will ask for biometric authentication such as fingerprint scanning, facial recognition, or device PIN input. This step is crucial to ensure that only you can access the account.

Once authenticated, the device will send the necessary information to the X application server to verify your identity. If the verification is successful, you will be logged in to your account without having to enter a password or username.

4. Using the passkey on the new device

If you try to log in from a new device that is not registered, the X app will ask you to complete an additional verification step. Usually, this involves sending a verification code to your registered email or phone number.

After entering the code, you can register this new device to use the passkey in the future. That way, every time you want to log in from that device, you just need to use the available biometric authentication.

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