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16 Mei 2016 17:01

New technology to crack Egyptian’s pyramids secrets

A team of scientists recently finalized a technique with which it could be possible to see through the pyramids. Celia Tholozan
New technology to crack Egyptian’s pyramids secrets

Brilio.net/en - The pyramids of Egypt have been the topic of many theories, plots, allegations and mysteries. The remaining question of how they were built hasnt been solve yet and always arouse great enthusiasm in the scientific community.

In order to finally find out what was inside of those giant and mysterious constructions, a team of scientists recently finalized a technique with which it could be possible to see through the pyramids thanks to a new kind of scanning device. Before the use of scanning, archaeologists were using the old digging method, which has some negative consequences on the historical sites because it obviously destroys vital parts of it.

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During the last months, the research workers of the scan pyramids project were working on the pyramid of Dahchour, located 15km away from Saqqarah in North Egypt. Launched by Egypt's Ministry of Antiquities, the workers of this international project are using a new technique, more complex but which does not physically impact the monument.

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The muon radiography and infrared thermography techniques are working thanks to a series of 40 detector cells installed in some part of the inside rooms. It is a great technological advance because it allows the scientists to discover the interior structure in details and it has already revealed a few interesting facts about the pyramid of Dahchour, and more projects to come.

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Kheops, the Sphynx and many more are in the line of sights of the scan pyramids project. However, it might face some difficulties since that the installation of the detectors cells requires access to the inside walls of the rooms, and not only the outsides one. The engineers of the team are already thinking of potential new innovative techniques but so far nothing has been established officially and it will take a bit more patience to finally reveal all the secrets locked in the pyramids.

Image viadiscovery.com

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