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16 Oktober 2016 11:34

Two Jati Mas Buses Mysteriously Stranded In A Central Java Forest

How did they get there? *calls Sherlock* Sabar Artiyono
Two Jati Mas Buses Mysteriously Stranded In A Central Java Forest

Brilio.net/en - Netizens were left scratching their heads this week as a mysterious incident wherein two Jati Mas buses were stranded in the middle of a forest in Blora, Central Javas, went viral.

"Strange event occured when two Jati Mas buses suddenly strayed into the woods this morning, Tuesday," Facebook user Drokchy Purnama wrote.

"According to information given by Wawan Novanda, who quoted theBismania group, troublestarted around03.00 am, as the buses made their wayto pick up a group of elementary students for a study tour. Mid-trip, they met a committee who gave them instructions to the route, but asthe buses proceeded to moveslowly, the driver realized something wasn't right. Sure enough, they were away from paved road and have entered the woods."

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It took up to 4 hours to evacuate the buses, and the incident left the driver and his assistant scratching their heads. The Facebook post mentions that a bus and a truck also experienced a similar incident about four years ago.

Any thoughts?

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