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8 September 2017 09:00

Mother And Son Reunited After 35 Years

Watch the heart-breaking moment of a mother and her son seeing each other again. Angga Roni Priambodo
Mother And Son Reunited After 35 Years

A mother and her son reunited after 35 years ofseparation.

The moment was shared by Uskub Muzamil, a netizen from Bengkulu, who helped them to reunite.

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The son, Paidi, works for Muzamil to take care of his garden. The two began to share their story to each other.

His name is Pak Paidi, from Wonogiri, and since 1981 he left his hometown to work along with his neighbor. When I asked him how many times has he got home to Wonogiri, he said he never [gets back to his hometown], and when I asked him how was his mother, I was surprised when he said he did not know, not even if his mother is still alive or not. At that moment I was shocked and I thought to myself, if his mother is still alive and healthy, she must have missed him a lot. Muzamil wrote on his social account.

Shortly, Muzamil helped Pak Paidi to meet his mother again in Wonogiri. After knowing that his mother is still alive, Muzamil then take Paidi to his hometown on Tuesday.

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Here are the heart-touching moments of Pak Paidi reunited with his mother after 35 years:

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