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22 Oktober 2015 19:00

Mosquito repellent lotion to protect members of the army in Papua

The extract of the tembelek plant (lantana camara) is used to create the lotion. Fadila Adelin

Brilio.net/en - There never is a shortage in options for mosquito repellents. But for some people, a lotion appears to be the most favored because it is practical and can be used anytime and anywhere.

Unfortunately, some mosquito repellent lotion products which are sold nowadays contains harmful ingredients to humans. Because of this fact, students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Yogyakarta State University, Maisel Priskila Sisila and Dwi Sutanti (Natural Science Education Study Program), and Arief Noviartara (Chemical Education Study Program) have conducted a research to solve this problem. They tried to create a mosquito repellent lotion naturally made of tembelek (lantana camara) and Brotowali (Tinospora Crispa L.) which are safe for our skin.

Brotowali extraction phase is done by picking the leaves and flowers as the first step. Then, they are washed using distilled water. The washed ingredients are mashed and then squeezed using gauze to get the extract from the leaves and flowers of tembelek. The tembelek extract is then used to make a lotion.

The lotion production is done by mixing the extract with eucalyptus oil and cleansing milk. Next, all of the ingredients are stirred until they are mixed perfectly. After that, we add some aromatic perfume, and mix them again for a while, said Maisel to brilio.net, Saturday (15/8).

Moreover, their lotion was used by Batalyon 412 Purworejo who was on duty in the hinterlands in Papua. Their invention is expected to be useful for the soldiers and protect them from mosquito bites because Papua is known as an area prone to malaria.

Although the production of the lotion has already passed the test, we hope it will work perfectly in Papua because sometimes there are different species of mosquitos over there, closed Maisel.

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