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24 September 2024 02:20

Mention three types of customary norms that apply in the community environment.

Customary norms are a set of rules or behavioral guidelines that are passed down from generation to generation and apply within a society. Annisa Endriyati Utami

Brilio.net - Customary norms are a set of rules or behavioral guidelines that are passed down from generation to generation and apply in a society. Customary norms are usually closely related to traditions, culture, and local values that function to maintain social harmony and prevent conflict. In the community environment, customary norms have a very important role as regulators of relationships between individuals and between individuals and their environment.

In this article, we will explain three types of customary norms that apply in society, namely customary norms in terms of etiquette, customary norms in dispute resolution, and customary norms in traditional ceremonies.

1. Customary norms in social etiquette and ethics

One of the most common customary norms found in society is the norm related to manners and social ethics. This norm regulates how individuals behave in everyday life, both in interactions between individuals and with wider social groups. Customary norms related to manners are very important in maintaining politeness and respect in social relationships.

For example, in many Indonesian cultures, respecting elders is a form of customary norm that is highly respected. This form of respect can be seen in various aspects of life, such as the use of polite language, body language when speaking to elders, to giving them seats at formal events or traditional ceremonies.

In addition, customary norms in etiquette are also often related to how to dress and behave in public. For example, in some indigenous communities, there are certain rules regarding the types of clothing that may be worn at traditional events or rituals. Violation of these customary norms can be considered impolite and can even result in social sanctions.

2. Customary norms in dispute resolution

Customary norms also play an important role in the process of resolving disputes that occur in society. Unlike formal law which is usually handled by state courts, customary norms in resolving disputes often use an approach that prioritizes mediation and consensus. The goal is to reach a fair agreement for both parties and restore relationships damaged by conflict.

One example of customary norms in dispute resolution can be seen in the tradition of deliberation or customary mediation that is still carried out by various tribes in Indonesia. In this tradition, respected customary figures such as tribal chiefs or elders act as mediators to reconcile the disputing parties. The customary mediation process is often carried out openly, and the results of the decision are usually accepted by both parties because they are considered fair and based on local wisdom values.

Customary norms in dispute resolution also prioritize restorative justice, where the main goal is to restore disturbed social relations, not just to sanction the perpetrators. For example, in some customary traditions in Indonesia, perpetrators who violate customary norms are often required to provide compensation to the victim in a symbolic form, such as livestock or other goods.

3. Customary norms in traditional ceremonies

Customary norms are also closely related to the implementation of customary ceremonies which are an important part of the social and spiritual life of the community. Each customary ceremony is usually regulated by strict customary norms, starting from preparation, implementation, to closing. Violation of customary norms in customary ceremonies is considered a serious act and can result in moral sanctions or even social sanctions.

For example, in traditional wedding ceremonies in some tribes, there are certain rules regarding who has the right to perform the ceremony, how to dress appropriately, and the order of rituals that must be carried out. All of these elements are regulated by customary norms, which have been passed down from generation to generation.

Ignoring these rules can be seen as an insult to ancestral traditions and values.
In addition, in traditional ceremonies related to religion or spirituality, such as ancestor worship ceremonies, customary norms greatly determine how the ritual should be carried out. For example, in the traditional community in Bali, there are special rules regarding when and how religious ceremonies should be carried out. Violation of these customary norms will not only cause anger in society, but is also considered to have a negative spiritual impact on the individual or group that violates them.

The importance of customary norms in community life

Customary norms play an important role in maintaining social order and stability in society. Although formal law is now the main guideline in regulating national life, customary norms remain relevant, especially in communities that still strongly uphold local traditions and wisdom. Customary norms serve as a complement to formal law, because they emphasize more on moral and cultural aspects in social life.

In addition, customary norms also play an important role in maintaining the cultural identity of a society. Through the application of customary norms, society can maintain the continuity of traditions and noble values that are passed down from generation to generation. These norms not only function as rules of behavior, but also as symbols of a unique and distinctive cultural identity.

For example, in many areas of Indonesia, traditional ceremonies governed by customary norms remain an important part of daily life, even though the community has been exposed to modernization. Customary norms related to respect for ancestors, interpersonal relationships, and environmental preservation are still highly valued and maintained.

With customary norms, people can live in an orderly order, respect each other, and maintain the noble values inherited from their ancestors. In addition, customary norms also help people resolve conflicts peacefully and fairly, and maintain healthy and harmonious social relations.

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