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10 September 2024 21:25

Mention the various types of impurities, understand the meaning and how to purify them.

Najis is a term in Islam that refers to things or substances that are considered unclean and need cleaning. Niko Sulpriyono

Brilio.net - Najis is a term in Islam that refers to objects or substances that are considered unclean and require cleaning before someone can perform worship. Understanding the types of najis and how to purify them is very important to maintain personal purity and smooth worship. With this knowledge, we can ensure that we are always clean, which is an important requirement in worship.

Impurities are categorized based on their level of cleanliness and how they are cleaned, so that we can more easily determine the right steps to clean them. There are three main categories of impurities that need to be known, namely heavy impurities, light impurities, and impurities that do not have to be cleaned. Each type of impurity has a different way of cleaning, and understanding this will help you in maintaining cleanliness and purity every day.

In this article, brilio.net has collected from various sources, Tuesday (10/9) will describe various types of impurities along with their meanings and how to purify them according to Islamic law. With this information, you will be able to better understand and apply the correct procedures for cleaning impurities, so that you can perform worship more calmly and solemnly.

Definition of impurity and its categories

Impurity is anything that is considered dirty and unclean according to Islamic teachings. To maintain purity in worship, impurity must be cleaned in a certain way. Cleaning impurity is very important so that a person can carry out worship legitimately and be accepted by Allah. Without cleaning impurity properly, the worship that is carried out can be invalid. The categories of impurity are as follows:

1. Seriously impure.

Heavy impurity is considered the dirtiest impurity and requires more intensive cleaning to ensure total cleanliness. This type of impurity includes blood, pus, and parts of forbidden animals, such as dogs and pigs. Cleaning heavy impurity requires the use of running water and often additional cleaning agents to ensure that no traces of impurity are left behind. This process is more complex than cleaning light impurity, and it is very important to do it carefully so that the worship performed remains valid and accepted according to Islamic teachings. The categories of heavy impurity are as follows:

- Blood: Blood that comes out of the body, whether in small or large amounts, is included in serious najis. Cleaning it requires washing with running water until it is completely clean. To ensure that the blood is completely gone, it is often necessary to use soap or detergent, especially if the blood sticks to clothing or other surfaces.

- Pus: Pus is a thick fluid that comes out of an infected wound. Pus is also considered a serious impurity and must be cleaned with running water until clean. Pus that sticks to objects must be washed clean and leave no residue.

- Haram Animal Body Parts: Haram animal body parts, such as dogs and pigs, are also considered to be seriously impure. Cleaning them requires washing with running water and sometimes the use of additional cleaning agents. Haram animals not only require physical washing but must also be ensured that no traces of impurity are left behind.

2. Light dirt.

Light impurity is impurity that comes from human waste, such as urine and feces, which is considered easier to clean compared to heavy impurity. Cleaning light impurity is simply done by washing the area affected by the impurity using running water until clean. Although the cleaning process is simpler, it is still important to ensure that the area affected by the impurity is completely clean from any remaining impurity so that worship can be performed validly and in accordance with Islamic teachings. The light impurity is as follows:

- Urine: Urine is one of the most common types of impurity and can stick to clothes or places. Cleaning is simply by washing the area affected by urine using running water. Make sure to clean it thoroughly so that no traces are left.

- Feces: Feces are also mildly unclean and are cleaned in the same way as urine. Clean the area affected by feces with running water and, if necessary, use soap to ensure maximum cleanliness.

- Sweat and Oil: Sweat and oil on the body or clothing are generally not considered as impurity that must be cleaned specifically. However, maintaining general cleanliness is still important to avoid the accumulation of impurity.

3. Unclean things do not have to be cleaned.

Some impurities do not require special cleaning and do not require any specific action other than maintaining general cleanliness. These types of impurities, such as sweat or oil that sticks to clothing or skin, are not considered impurities that must be cleaned in a specific way. Although they do not require special cleaning, it is important to maintain the cleanliness of the body and environment so that it does not accumulate and interfere with overall cleanliness. By performing routine maintenance and maintaining general cleanliness, you can ensure that you are always in a state of purity for worship. The impurities that do not have to be cleaned are as follows:

- Sweat: Although sweat can cause an unpleasant odor, it is not considered impure and requires special cleaning. Simply maintaining regular body hygiene is enough to avoid problems.

- Oil and fat: Oil or fat that sticks to clothing or skin is generally not considered as impurity that must be cleaned in a specific way. Maintaining cleanliness and changing clothes when necessary is sufficient.

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