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25 Juli 2017 21:00

Youth Ministry To Stop Supporting 'Anti-Pancasila' Organizations

He's talking about the National Scout Movement and its chairman who allegedly declared support for khilafah. Tunggul Kumoro
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Minister of Youth and Sports Imam Nahrawi claimed to have been holding the budget support for the National Scout regarding a statement made by its chairman Adhyaksa Dault in a video where the latter declared his support to khilafah an ancient Islamic government system.

"The youth organization, which is usually assisted by Ministry of Youth and Sports, will no longer be financially supported. To date, we still hold the budget support until there's a clarification [regarding Adhyaksa's statement]. This is a follow-up to the decree on radical groups," said Nahrawi at the National Awakening Party (PKB) Headquarters, Central Jakarta, on Sunday.

Nahrawi claimed to have asked Adhyaksa to provide explanation to the Ministry, but there has yet to be anyresponse from him.

"We've asked [for the clarification], we're waiting. Until yesterday, there's nothing [of the answer]. Perhaps, he has [made it] in a written statement. But, it hasn't reached me yet," said Nahrawi.

He then added that the ministry will not support any community and youth or student organization that isproven to oppose the official state ideology.

Adhyaksa himself previously had spoken out and published an open letter on his social media account, saying he was not a sympathizer or a member of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI). He quibbled that the khilafah he meant was not HTI.

"About khilafah islamiyah, there is the hadist (prophet's sayings), but the khilafah I meant was khilafah islamiyyah which is rosyidah, not khilafah that means negating the country, not khilafah supported Hizbut Tahrir, ISIS, or other version," he said.

"Regarding the video, it is also needed to see the time and place where I talked. It was four years back. This is 2017, which means, the content of the video is no longer relevant today."

His entire explanation had been submitted to the Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo. However, Tjahjo advised Adhyaksa to meet the coordinating political, legal and security affairs minister Wiranto to make a full clarification.

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