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21 September 2024 06:05

Lyrics Sholawat Jibril, sholawat that calms the heart and opens sustenance

This prayer is very simple and easy to memorize~ Brilio.net
Lyrics Sholawat Jibril, sholawat that calms the heart and opens sustenance

Brilio.net - Sholawat Jibril is one of the sholawat that is believed to have many virtues, such as calming the heart and opening the door of sustenance. Sholawat is very simple and easy to memorize , but it is believed to have great merit if it is practiced with sincerity and full of confidence.

Lyrics Sholawat Jibril, sholawat that calms the heart and opens sustenance

Shallallah like Muhammad
May God's blessings be upon (the Prophet) Muhammad.

Shallallah alaihi wasallam
May God's blessings and peace be upon him (Rasulullah).

Shallallah like Muhammad
May God's blessings be upon (the Prophet) Muhammad.

Shallallah alaihi wasallam
May God's blessings and peace be upon him (Rasulullah).

Anta Syamsun Anta Badrun
"You are like the sun, you are like the full moon."

Anta nurun fauqo nurin
"You are the light above the light."

Anta Syamsun Anta Badrun
"You are like the sun, you are like the full moon."

Anta nurun fauqo nurin

"You are the light above the light."

Anta iksiirun wa ghoolii
"You are like pure gold that is expensive."

Anta mishbaahush-shuduuri
"You are the light of the heart."

Ya habiibii Ya Muhammad
"O my beloved, O Muhammad."

Yes 'Aruusal-khoofiqoini
"O bride of the east and west (of the world)."

Ya Mu-ayyad ya Mumajjad
"O Prophet strengthened (by revelation)."

Ya Imaamal Qiblataini
"O exalted Prophet, O imam of the two directions of the Qiblah

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