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26 Mei 2024 07:00

Looks simple even though he is rich, these are 5 incomes of Tok Dalang Upin & Ipin

Unlike Ehsan, Tok Dalang chooses not to show off his wealth openly. Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
foto: Instagram/@lescopaque; YouTube/Upin & Ipin

Brilio.net - Isnin bin Khamis, better known as Tok Dalang , is one of the characters who appears most often in the animated series Upin & Ipin . His almost always presence in every episode certainly has a reason. Tok Dalang is an elder in Kampung Durian Runtuh who is known for being versatile. That's why Upin, Ipin and their friends often play at Tok Dalang's house.

As a village elder, Tok Dalang also has quite a lot of wealth. However, unlike Ehsan, Tok Dalang chooses not to show off his wealth openly.

But are you curious about Tok Dalang's source of income, which is rarely known to many people, even though it has been shown in several episodes. One of them is Tok Dalang's income which comes from his homestay.

So, to satisfy your curiosity, this time brilio.net has summarized from various sources the 5 sources of Tok Dalang Upin & Ipin's income collected from various sources, Sunday (26/5).

1. Income from durian plantations.

photo: YouTube/Les' Copaque Production

In the Upin & Ipin series, you must have watched the episode when Tok Dalang invited Upin and Ipin to pick durians in his garden. It can even be seen in this episode that Tok Dalang gets a lot of durian, Tok Dalang's income comes from this durian garden. Even though he adjusts to the season, Tok Dalang can earn quite a lot of income from his garden which has lots of trees.

2. Tok Dalang has a banana plantation.

photo: YouTube/Upin & Ipin

Not only durian plantations, it turns out that Tok Dalang also has a banana plantation. Episodes showing that Tok Dalang has a banana plantation have been shown in the episodes "Tengok Banana Seribu Atok" and "Planting Banana Trees". Both episodes show that Tok Dalang's garden is quite large, so it is not surprising that his garden is one of his sources of income.

3. Income from rambutan trees.

photo: YouTube/Les' Copaque Production

Apart from durian and bananas, Tok Dalang also has other plantation assets, namely rambutan trees. This is shown in the Upin Ipin episode entitled "Take a pole, please show it." The reason is, Tok Dalang can get a profit of IDR 560 thousand.

This can be seen from the agreement between Mail and Ah Tong, which is RM 80. This rambutan tree can bear fruit twice a year, so in one year this grandfather gets an income of RM 160 or around from his rambutan tree.

4. Tok Dalang homestay.

photo: YouTube/Upin & Ipin

Apart from plantations, Tok Dalang also has property assets, namely Tok Dalang Homestay. This inn was first introduced in the Upin Ipin episode entitled "Pokok Seribu Guna" and then changed its name to Inap Desa Tok Dalang in the episode "Tok Ball". So if you look at other sources, you could say that Tok Dalang is a rich or crazy rich person in Durian Runtuh village.

5. Raise chickens and geese.

photo: YouTube/Les' Copaque Production

Apart from that, Tok Dalang also has other assets that are no less important, namely ducks and geese. As for chickens, he has a total of 12, including a rooster named Rembo, one Bangkok hen, and ten chicks.

In Indonesia, the price of a rooster is around IDR 150 thousand, a 4 month old Bangkok hen is around IDR 650 thousand, and chicks are IDR 7,000 per head, which means the total price for 10 chicks is IDR 70 thousand. Even though it is not as big as other sources of income, this is one of the sources of income that you have.

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