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10 Agustus 2024 07:00

Likes eating instant noodles, this is the story of a Madiun teenager who experienced chronic kidney failure and had to have dialysis

The kidney failure experienced by this 13 year old teenager was due to his fondness for consuming instant noodles since he was a toddler. Ferra Listianti

Brilio.net - Cases of diabetes and kidney failure in children in Indonesia are increasing. The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) noted that a survey of 400 children aged 12-18 years, 20% of them have suffered from kidney failure.

Kidney failure cases experienced by children also occurred in a teenage girl named MC, aged 13 in Madiun, East Java. At first glance, this teenage girl looks ordinary like a normal child in general who is being accompanied by her parents. However, the child of the couple Melly and Daud is not in a good condition.

MC's mother, Melly, said that her child had to undergo regular dialysis until now because of a kidney failure diagnosis 2 years ago, precisely when he was still in 6th grade. At first, the child experienced early symptoms of shortness of breath and had to be rushed to the hospital.

photo: YouTube/Liputan6

"It was Wednesday. And when he came home from school, he felt extremely short of breath and was taken to the health center. I took him to the clinic but he was still short of breath. I took him to Caruban Regional Hospital. At that time, I asked for a photo for a kidney X-ray and lab. And it was declared chronic kidney disease," explained his mother.

When taken to the hospital in Caruban, his home area, it was revealed that the child had chronic kidney failure. Because the hospital was inadequate in terms of medical equipment, the child was immediately referred to a hospital in Surabaya, East Java to undergo dialysis.

photo: vidio.com

"The next day, he was referred to Dr. Soetomo Hospital and had a CDL installed on his neck and dialysis was immediately performed," he added further.

Apparently, the kidney failure experienced by the 13-year-old teenager was due to his fondness for consuming instant noodles since he was a toddler. This made MC, who is currently in the 2nd grade of junior high school in Madiun, have to undergo dialysis twice a week.

"I often eat instant noodles. I can eat it twice a day without eating rice," said the mother.

Melly revealed that the instant noodles that her child often consumed triggered damage to her child's kidneys that had not yet fully grown. Because, she added, the doctor said that her child's kidneys were not developing according to his age.

photo: vidio.com

"The doctor didn't say anything about food. Because his bone growth was delayed, this child's kidneys didn't develop, so they shrank. It didn't match his age. (Instant noodles) pushed his kidneys to become problematic," he explained further.

Meanwhile, the long duration of treatment that her child had to undergo, prompted Melly and her husband to stay longer in Surabaya. Luckily, there was a halfway house in Surabaya that was willing to accommodate her and her child for free.

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