- Lailatul Qadar night is a special feature in the month of Ramadan. Tonight is a very important time for Muslims around the world. In this blessed night, good deeds such as prayer, dhikr and prayer have enormous value. All worship has double the reward. Not to mention the abundant privileges in it.
Celebrating the night of Lailatul Qadar by increasing the number of acts of worship is a highly recommended way to obtain blessings and forgiveness from Allah SWT. One of the main practices is prayer, especially evening prayers (tahajjud) and sunnah prayers before or after obligatory prayers.
Apart from prayer, dhikr is also a practice that is highly recommended on the night of Lailatul Qadar. By remembering Allah SWT through dhikr, the heart becomes calm and full of sincerity. Dhikr can also help you get closer to Him.
Don't forget, prayer is also the main weapon for Muslims in seeking goodness and blessings. Praying more on the night of Lailatul Qadar, both for ourselves and for others, is a sign of our faith and devotion to Allah SWT.
So, let's make the best use of the last nights of the month of Ramadan . Increase your practice of prayer, dhikr and good prayers, and pray so that everyone will be given the strength to continue to be istiqomah in worship. May Allah SWT be pleased with the deeds you do and make you a servant who is always obedient and devout.
This night, filled with blessings, forgiveness and multiple rewards, is a moment that every Muslim eagerly awaits. The presence of this night in every month of Ramadan is a great gift for Muslims, because Allah SWT says in the Koran, "The night of glory is better than a thousand months." (QS Al-Qadr: 3).
Laylatul Qadar night has special features that other nights do not have. Rasulullah SAW said, "Whoever prays on the night of Lailatul Qadar because of faith and hopes for a reward from Allah, his past sins will be forgiven." (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim). Therefore, carrying out prayers tonight is a must for Muslims who want to receive the blessings and forgiveness of Allah SWT.
The following are the procedures for the Lailatul Qadar prayer, complete with intentions and readings in order to provide guidance in its implementation, as reported by from various sources on Thursday (4/4).
Procedures for the Lailatul Qadar prayer
Procedures for the Lailatul Qadar prayer
1. Implementation time
The sunnah prayer Laylatul Qadar is a special worship. Basically, the Laylatul Qadar prayer is the same as other prayers. It's just that it is implemented when Laylatul Qadar comes. This is what makes it special. Allah SWT keeps a secret when Lailatul Qadar comes. In general, everyone agrees that Laylatul Qadar comes during the month of Ramadan. Therefore, you can perform this prayer every night of the month of Ramadan.
No one specifically narrates the exact time it must be carried out on a certain date. However, the signs of the arrival of that night from the advice of the ulama can be used as a reference. Of the many opinions regarding the arrival of Lailatul Qadar, the most famous is that it comes in the last third of the month of Ramadan. Some scholars recommend carrying out this sunnah prayer on the 21st until the end of Ramadan according to the Hijriyah calendar. You are allowed to perform it after the Isha prayer or after the sunnah tarawih prayer.
2. Number of rak'ahs
There are no definite rules that limit the number of rak'ahs for this sunnah prayer. You can do it in 2 rak'ahs or more, as much as you can. For implementation, the Lailatul Qadar prayer is performed in 2 rakats of greetings.
Procedures for the Lailatul Qadar prayer
3. Implementation procedures
1. Wear clothes that are clean from uncleanness.
2. Purify yourself by performing ablution.
3. Make sure you pray in a holy place.
4. Read the intention before praying during takbiratul ihram.
Procedures for the Lailatul Qadar prayer
5. Read Al-Fatihah then read At-Takatsur and Al-Ikhlas. For Al-Ikhlas there are opinions read 3 times or 7 times. How to read At-Takatsur and Al-Ikhlas for both imams and makmum is not stated.
6. Next, the sunnah prayer is performed like normal prayer.
7. After greeting you are advised to read istighfar 70 times. The following is the istighfar reading:
Procedures for the Lailatul Qadar prayer
Astaghfirulll ha wa atbu ilayhi
Meaning: "I ask Allah's forgiveness and I repent to Him."
8. Read a prayer before getting up from sitting. Insert as many of the following prayers as you can:
Procedures for the Lailatul Qadar prayer
Allaahumma innaka 'afuwwun kariim tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'annii yaa kariim
Meaning: "O Allah, indeed You are the Forgiving One who loves apologies, so forgive us, O Most Glorious God."
Reading the intention for the Lailatul Qadar prayer
Procedures for the Lailatul Qadar prayer
Usholli sunnatan lailatul qadari rok'ataini (imaaman/makmuuman) lillaahi ta'ala.
Meaning: "I intend to pray the sunnah prayer Lailatul Qadar two rak'ahs Ma'mum because of Allah Ta'ala/Imam because of Allah Ta'ala"
Intern/Robiul Adil Robani