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4 Desember 2015 15:37

Korean guys' reaction when watching American porn for the first time

Some men looked completely shocked when watching it Tunggul Kumoro
Korean guys' reaction when watching American porn for the first time

Brilio.net/en - Surprise, surprise! Some reacted in a way youd expect them to, while others just dont.

South Korean young men and their various reactions to watching American porn for the first time were documented in a video uploaded in Youtobe.

All this time, pornography is baned in North and South Korea, but most of them claimed to have watched blue movies before the prohibition was enacted. Even so, some men looked completely shocked when watching it.

I prefer Asian. So I watch Korean, Japanese, and Western, said a man on the video. And somehow Western porn is not likeable to me.

At the beginning of the video, they were asked whether they ever watched Western porn before and they prefered watching Korean or Japanese.

I mean as a man, you do watch porn. Because this is only mens talk, I watch it everyday, said a Korean guy on the video.

Then, while wearing headphones, they began to watch the movie.

Holy shit. That dude is pumped up, exclaimed a man.

Wow, doesnt it hurt? asked the other man.

This is exactly what Im talking about. Totally different from Asian, another Korean guy added.

So, how is their reaction? Watch the following video.

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