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6 Oktober 2016 16:53

The Woman Inside A Devil's Barrel

Young Karmila Purba has got the guts most guys don’t Victoria Tunggono
The Woman Inside A Devil's Barrel

Brilio.net/en -If you've been to the Jakarta Fair Festival, a monthlong eventheld every year to celebrate the city's anniversary, then you're probably familiar with what many like to call Tong Setan (the Devil'sBarrel): an arena shaped like a gigantic barrelwherein self-trained motorcyclists put on a show by riding around its wall.

Highly dangerous stuff hence the name and definitely not the kind you should be trying at home. But risks aside, the show has enjoyed popularity across Indonesia,with crowdscoming together to stand and cheer around the arena, often handing out money forthe joki (riders) to grab in between tricks.

While riders are typically male, one female rider has recently been grabbing headlines, achieving for herselfsome degree of international fame. Her name is Karmila Purba, the only female rider known in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra. The 18-year-old was performing at Deliserdang, when photographer Dedi Sinuhaji, who works for the European Pressphoto Agency (EPA) asked to meet her for an interview and took shots of her in action. It didn't take long for international media to take interest in her, with publications such as the Guardian and Metro picking up Karmila's story.

Mila, as she is often called, had to quit school towards the end of high school due to financial harships faced by her parents.She says she has alwayswanted to get into music school, but noted it was impossible and instead tried to help her parents by taking up a job as a jokiat the local Tong Setan attraction.At first, herparents, like any parent would, didn't approve. But she soon started making enough money and they granted her permission.

Now that she has her own income and is slowly building a reputation as a tough lady rider, she might just slowly beon her way to bigger things, and we're definitely rooting for her.

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