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7 Juni 2024 18:45

Jakarta X Beauty 2024 officially opened, KemenkopUKM supports the empowerment of local beauty products

"The first is that the government has made regulations to protect the local market so that MSMEs can compete with foreign products," said Fiki. Dwiyana Pangesthi
foto: Istimewa

Brilio.net - The annual Jakarta X Beauty beauty bazaar is back by Female Daily for 4 days. Starting Thursday-Sunday, 6-9 June 2024 at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC). This event was attended by 400 brands, and was attended by beauty lovers, business people and public figures.

Special Staff to the Minister for Creative Economy Empowerment, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, Fiki Satari, said that his ministry really supports the growth of beauty and personal care MSMEs. He conveyed 3 main points about beauty and personal care MSMEs that have the opportunity to compete in the international market.

"The first is that the government has made regulations to protect the local market so that MSMEs can compete with foreign products," said Fiki.

Second, KemenKopUKM also mediates access to financing through partners such as incubators, aggregators, accelerators and enablers. The final point, KemenKopUKM has created a Joint Production House (RPB) initiative from upstream to downstream. An example of RPB is one of the raw materials for essential oil, namely Patchouli, which is located in Aceh.

At the opening of the beauty event, the CEO of Female Daily, Hanifa Ambadar, and the Group CEO of ParagonCorp, Harman Subakat, were also present.

photo: Special

In line with KemenKopUKM, Harman Subakat as Group CEO of ParagonCorp also believes that the products owned under the auspices of his company can become increasingly well known abroad in the next few years.

Aside from Indonesia, our products are also well known in Malaysia. "This proves that Paragon products have quality that is no less good than foreign brands," he said.

He said that his party always prioritizes innovation and creating trends. As well as listening to input from customers so that the products can continue to progress.

He also added that the Jakarta X Beauty 2024 beauty event is the right and much needed platform for beauty brands. Through this event, beauty brands can be increasingly recognized by the public and foster enthusiasm to make Indonesia proud with quality local products.

Meanwhile, CEO of Female Daily Network, Hanifa Ambadar, said that this year, Female Daily X Beauty brings three main messages, namely Sustainability, Innovation and Inclusivity. The theme of Jakarta X Beauty 2024 is "Empowering Beauty MSMEs with International Competitiveness".

"We believe that these three pillars can create a future for Indonesian beauty that always follows global trends so that it can compete internationally, and ultimately make a big contribution to economic growth through the beauty and personal care sectors," said Hanifa.

He explained that the development of the beauty industry had increased rapidly in recent years. This can be seen from the increase in growth of cosmetics players by 2.19% according to BPOM and the export value of cosmetics, fragrances and essential oils which was recorded at USD 770.8 million.

In closing, Fiki Satari said that the government will always support industrial progress in Indonesia, especially beauty and personal care MSMEs, so that they can easily be recognized internationally.

One of them is also by making BPOM registration easier for MSMEs through Smesco Indonesia, as a Public Service Agency (BLU) under the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises.

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