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20 Juli 2016 20:06

Indonesian students produce green electricity from fresh cow droppings

When life gives you lemons, the saying goes, make lemonade. So, when a cow gives you … well, don’t try to make lemonade Retno Wulandari
Indonesian students produce green electricity from fresh cow droppings Image source: Okezone

Brilio.net/en - The spiralling costs of electricity might make you long for a return to nature, but then that voice in your head starts screaming: What about my gadgets? They need to be charged! And the washing machine? The laptop? The air conditioner? The coffee machine?

Sit back and calm down! It looks like we might be able to have our cake and eat it.

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Five students at the University of Diponegoro used cow droppings to produce electricity. Atiatul Manna, Nurrizka Kurniawati, Septiatun Khasanah, Agus Priyanto and Zaenal Abidin were working as a team for the student creativity and innovation program (PKM-KC).

One of the bacteria in cow dung, called Escherichia coli (E. Coli), metabolizes to break down glucose into hydrogen and oxygen. Then, the hydrogen produced from the process can be used as a raw material for a reduction reaction with oxygen, so the electrons at the anode acts as a source of electricity, team leader Atiatul Manna told Okezone.


A mask for children with asthma

Just kidding that sounds amazing!

The team went ahead and designed a reactor to produce the green energy by harnessing the cow dung as a source of renewable electrical energy. Congrats to those students and keep up the good work!

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