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23 Juli 2016 06:58

Indonesia is home to the world's fattest child

Now he has to run a crush diet to save his life. Tunggul Kumoro
Indonesia is home to the world's fattest child

Brilio.net/en - Arya Permana, a 10-year-old boy from Karawang, West Java, has been put on an emergency diet and his parents fear he may die after he was named world's fattest child.

Arya weighs 188 kilograms and is categorized as morbidly obese. His mother, Rokayah Somantri, says Arya eats five meals a day, including plenty rice and beef dishes. His weight has left him unable to walk and attend school. Rokayah says she cant even find a shirt that will fit him, so arya has to wear a sarong.

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"There is no other pain than seeing your own child suffering. My son does not go to school because he cannot walk his own and needs my round-the-clock assistance," Rokayah told Metro.co.uk.

But Rokayah says she can't help but keep giving him food, or hell get angry and cry

Arya stays at home, playing games on the smartphone. He can only take small steps before he loses balances. He sometimes has trouble breathing.

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But there is hope on the horizon.

via radarcirebon.com

Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung has formed a team to handle Aryas problem, consisting of experts from various fields including child nutrition, clinical pathology and orthopedics.

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