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24 Juni 2024 04:01

In an LDR relationship, the moment a man from Lombok visited his girlfriend in Jogja ended up making him sad

In order to meet the love of his heart, this man was willing to travel a distance of 865 km via land. Effort is no joke, right? Muhammad Rizki Yusrial

Brilio.net - In long distance relationships (LDR), physical meetings are indeed one of the important things. Gatherings help strengthen emotional bonds, create shared memories, and provide a real sense of presence. Moreover, these things cannot be replaced by virtual communication.

In order to maintain harmonious relationships, quite a few are willing to travel hundreds of kilometers to meet the love of their heart. But not everything ends beautifully. With the intention of meeting your lover, quite a few actually swallow the bitter pill.

Like the story of a man who shared the story of his struggle to meet his girlfriend who lives in Yogyakarta. Traveling a distance of 865 KM from Lombok, the man's story ended sadly. Through the TikTok account @c_w_n_, he was determined to come to meet his girlfriend even though he had to go by land.

photo: TikTok/@c_w_n_

Departing by car, he crossed two islands at once, namely Bali and Java. It is known that the travel time from Lombok to Jogja is estimated to be around 22 hours 6 minutes. When he arrived in Jogja, he immediately informed his lover.

In the screenshot containing his chat with his lover, this man arrived when the clock showed 02.30 WIB in the morning. But instead of getting a warm hug, his lover refused to meet him. Apparently, his lover had not approved of his arrival from the start.

photo: TikTok/@c_w_n_

" Just meet in a moment, pls. I'm already on my way ," he wrote in the caption reported by brilio.net on Monday (24/6). It could be seen that he really wanted the meeting, his longing seemed to be overwhelming.

" Who says yes? answered the lover briefly.

However, because he was already struggling, all his energy had been mobilized, the man continued to try to get the meeting to take place. He was determined to continue his journey until he arrived in front of the woman's house. For him, just a moment is not a problem because a lot of time, money or energy was used to get to the house.

photo: TikTok/@c_w_n_

However, the woman remained adamant. He didn't want to go out to meet the man who came from hundreds of kilometers away. The man also admitted that he was traumatized by this incident. It felt like he no longer wanted to fight too hard for the woman he loved.

The story of his struggle also attracted the attention of netizens and was watched hundreds of thousands of times. There are pros and cons in the comments column. Apart from many who defended the man's efforts, quite a few also blamed him for forcing us to meet at 3 in the morning.

" Your effort is good, but it's best to find it in the afternoon or early morning. That's early in the morning, " said the account @hilnic.

" Besides, it's dawn, bro. Your girl already told you that she doesn't want to, maybe you should rest first then meet her, who knows, maybe she'll be in a better mood. It doesn't have to be everything you want, bro. BTW, I'm cool, " wrote the account @pedasmanis

" My advice is that if it's far away, before you come, make sure he will accept it, " said the account @bona.

" I used to be like this. Then on the way home I cried and daydreamed until I couldn't focus on driving ," wrote the account @indomistrt

" Your efforts are already great, it's just that people have the spirit of virtual warriors, " commented the account @yaudahlahmau.

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