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15 Februari 2024 11:23

How to turn around money so that businesses and investments generate profits of 100 million

Spinning money is not just about making profits in the short term, but also about building a solid financial foundation. Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
How to turn around money so that businesses and investments generate profits of 100 million foto: Freepik/@rawpixel.com, Freepik/@jcomp

Brilio.net - For those of you who already have a permanent or side job, you are definitely familiar with business and investment. Even if you don't work in the business world, you will definitely relate to this field or will be interested in doing business. This method is being looked at a lot because it can increase your income if you are able to develop it.

If you have started your business, don't forget to invest from the income you earn. The reason is, investment can save your business when it experiences a crisis, so you can turn around the money you have. Business and investment are two concepts that are interrelated and have an important role in managing finances.

For business people and potential investors, turning over money is not just about making profits in the short term, but also about building a solid financial foundation for the future. Therefore, you have to understand and be smart in managing your finances. Long-term investment is the key to achieving this goal.

In contrast to short-term investments which may provide quick profits but carry high risks, long-term investments offer stability and protection for the assets you own. Therefore, it is important for you to know how to turn over money so that your business and investments generate profits. Usually, many business people and investors target or calculate the possible profits they will get when turning over money.

When you understand and create a strategy for turning over money, you can make profits of up to 100 million. Summarized brilio.net has summarized from various sources on Thursday (15/2), the following is the right way to turn around money in business and investment to produce a profit of 100 million.

1. Read business opportunities well.

photo: Freepik/@rawpixel.com

Being smart at reading business opportunities can help you make money well. If it is easy for you to read opportunities and predict trends, then the opportunity to gain profits and make large amounts of money will be easy. For example, if you want to make money in the clothing business, try to pay attention and research trends that are currently in demand so that sales can increase and make big profits.

2. Allocate some profits to new business.

photo: Freepik

Spinning money doesn't mean you use all your profits for business, but try to keep saving. Set aside some profits for new business projections that are interesting and have the possibility of developing in the future. You should know, there are times when business goes up and down, so when you have more than one business it will help you financially.

3. Sell and buy items from garage sales.

photo: Freepik

Apart from starting a business or other businesses, you can also buy and sell goods at garage sales. You can hunt for unique items that have big discounts. Then, if you have got the item, try to take care of it and keep it until the selling price rises.

4. Collaborate with many people.

photo: Freepik/@rawpixel.com

When you have a large business and investment, you will be overwhelmed if you take care of everything yourself, so you need other people to help drive your business and investment so that the money you have can still be turned over. Collaborating with many people will create greater opportunities for profit, that's an important thing and you should be able to do it at any time.

5. Plan passive income.

photo: Freepik/@jcomp

Apart from setting aside money to open a new business, in turning over money you also invest your money in other people's businesses or ventures. But beforehand, make sure the cooperation is clear and the business prospects in the future. This will create passive income which can increase your profits.

6. Find out what the market needs are.

photo: Freepik

If you want to make money in the business world, you have to pay attention to several things, namely what the market needs. This helps you to get high profits even with low capital. There is no need to rush to avoid losses along the way.

7. Launch a coaching business.

photo: Freepik/@tirachardz

When you already have a profitable business and investment, you can develop your skills in building a business. You can invest some of your profits in taking several business and investment classes to improve your business skills. You can become an expert and build a business training, consulting, or mentoring other people's businesses.

8. Optimize raw material reserves.

photo: Freepik

Every business or venture must have raw materials, to turn over the money you have, you can optimize the raw material reserves of your business. Fund management can be delegated to raw material needs, the availability of sufficient raw materials will help the business continue running and avoid price increases in the future.

9. Insert capital into investment instruments.

photo: Freepik

Even though there is a risk of loss, investing capital in investment instruments also offers the potential for high profits. To anticipate the risk of loss, you can see which investment instruments are vulnerable to losses or falling prices in the future.

10. Expand internationally.

photo: Freepik/@DilokaStudio

With increasingly rapid technological developments, you can use it to get bigger profits, this helps you make money. One way you can do this is to expand your business internationally through global marketing or collaborating with distributors from various countries.

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