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21 Februari 2024 20:24

How to pay vows with money, recognize the types of vows and sanctions for violators

Vow in Islam refers to a promise or commitment to Allah SWT. Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
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Brilio.net - Have you ever made a vow to someone or something? Nazar in Islam refers to a promise or commitment to Allah SWT. If a Muslim makes a vow, then he must fulfill it .

Linguistically, nazar means promising to do something good or bad. Basically, vows cannot be considered trivial and played with, because even though they must be kept, promises and vows have different views.

When you make a vow and are unable to fulfill it, you have to be careful because you will receive sanctions from a vow that is not kept. One of the conditions for a vow to be valid is that the wording of the vow must contain a certainty of undertaking to do something. For example, the words "I vow to fast on Mondays and Thursdays", "If I rank first, I will give my mother a gift", and other words that contain a certainty to do something.

The effect of carrying out a vow is that things that were originally considered sunnah or fardhu kifayah become obligatory for him. But what if you have made a vow but want to pay with money, is that possible and permissible? To answer this question, brilio.net has collected from various sources how to pay vows with money, Wednesday (21/2).

All kinds of vows.

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1. Lajaj's Vow.

Nazar lajaj is a vow that occurs when a person is in a state of losing self-judgment. For example, someone says a vow in anger. The law depends on what is vowed. The person must perform it or pay expiation if the vow is not a sin.

2. Nazar Al-Mujazah.

Nazar al-mujazah is a vow that a person says when he agrees to perform an act of worship that has a good impact on himself and others. This type of vow is made with full awareness. For example, he will make a vow with charity if Allah SWT cures a servant's illness. Nazar al-mujazah is legally obligatory. Thus, a person who vows like this must carry out what he has vowed.

3. Absolute Vow.

An absolute vow is a vow that a person makes to get closer to Allah SWT without relating the vow to anything else. For example if someone says, "I oblige myself to fast Monday-Thursday." A vow like this is absolutely obligatory without being tied to a word.

How to pay vows with money.

photo: freepik.com/MolasIslamic

According to the Hanafi School, vows can be replaced with money, but with the condition that the amount of money is equivalent to feeding 10 poor people. However, if you want to exchange the money for food, it is also allowed. The conditions are that the food must be worth the amount you vowed and meet the requirement of 0.6 kilograms of rice per person according to Islamic law.

Paying vows with money is the same as zakat fitrah which can be paid using money or basic necessities depending on the place where you live. Apart from that, if you are confused about how to distribute votive money to people in need, you can use the services of recipients and distributors of zakat and vows. So, just via your device or laptop, you can pay your vows with money.

Sanctions for violators of vows.

photo: freepik.com/jcomp

Making a vow is not an obligation, but when you say a vow you are obliged to fulfill it and pay it off according to what is said. If you cannot fulfill it, then you are considered to have violated it and will receive sanctions from the vows made according to the type or type.

If you make a vow other than the lajaj vow, then you are obliged to fulfill it because it cannot be replaced with anything other than the vow you made. However, if you violate your lajaj vows, there are two options for fines or sanctions that you must carry out. You can continue to do what you promised or pay the oath fine (kafarat yamin), namely:

1. Free the slaves.
2. Feed 10 poor people with the condition that each poor person gets one grain of staple food (0.6 kg of rice).
3. Give clothes to 10 poor people.
4. Fast for 3 days if you are unable to carry out the sanctions above.

If you vow to give charity worth IDR 1 million, whereas giving food to 10 poor people only costs IDR 200 thousand, then the most important thing is to do what you vowed. When making a vow, make sure you know your own capacity and ability to carry it out. Don't let it break and not be able to replace it.

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