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25 September 2024 22:15

How to overcome juvenile delinquency? Here are 7 important roles of parents to control children's behavior

Parents have a central role in determining the direction of their child's growth and development. Brilio.net

Brilio.net - Juvenile delinquency is a problem often faced by many families. During adolescence, children often experience emotional and behavioral changes, which can lead to rebellious attitudes or doing things that are considered inappropriate. However, the role of parents is very important in helping to control and overcome juvenile delinquency.

The role of parents is crucial in overcoming juvenile delinquency. By building good communication, being a role model, providing guidance, and creating a positive family environment, children's behavior can be more controlled. This process requires patience and attention, but the results will help teenagers grow into better and more responsible individuals.

"It is very important to instill values. How to respond to others, how he should adapt, have manners towards parents, that is very important," said Clinical Psychologist Choirunisa Nirahma to brilio.net , Wednesday (25/9).

Brilio.net has summarized from various sources, here are 7 important roles of parents in controlling children's behavior.

photo: freepik.com

1. Build open communication

Communication is key to understanding what is happening in a childs life. Teenagers who feel heard are more likely to open up about the problems or pressures they are facing. Create an environment where children feel safe to talk about anything without fear of being judged. That way, problems faced by children can be detected early and prevented before they develop into delinquency.

2. Be a good role model

Children tend to imitate the behavior they see from their parents. Therefore, being a good role model in attitude and action will have a positive influence on children. When parents demonstrate values such as responsibility, politeness, and honesty, children will more easily understand the importance of good behavior.

3. Provide guidance and support

Teenagers are often searching for their identity and can be influenced by socializing or pressure from the environment. Therefore, it is important for parents to provide proper guidance. Provide constructive direction and advice, and show full support for the interests or positive activities that children do.

4. Set clear rules

Discipline is essential in dealing with juvenile delinquency. Parents need to set clear rules about what is and is not allowed. However, it is also important to explain the reasons behind the rules so that children understand the consequences. Consistency in enforcing rules will help children learn about responsibility and boundaries.

5. Monitor your child's social interactions

Socializing plays a big role in shaping adolescent behavior. Parents need to know who their child's friends are and the environment they enter. Even though giving freedom, still supervise so that children do not get caught up in negative socializing. Encourage children to socialize with people who have a positive influence.

6. Provide opportunities to learn from mistakes

Mistakes are part of the learning process, including for teenagers. If your child makes a mistake, give them a chance to fix it. Show them that every action has consequences, but avoid harsh punishments. This approach helps your child learn to take responsibility for their actions and think more carefully when making decisions.

7. Create a warm and positive family environment

Warmth in the family greatly influences adolescent behavior. An environment full of love, understanding, and support will make children feel appreciated and easier to avoid harmful actions. Create quality moments together, such as casual chats or doing activities together, to strengthen family bonds.

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