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23 Februari 2024 20:45

How to earn extra money for housewives, wives and husbands are also happy

Housewives can utilize various skills and platforms to make extra money. Brilio.net
How to earn extra money for housewives, wives and husbands are also happy foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Questions about how to earn extra money are questions that are often asked by various groups, from young people to adults. This is also a concern for housewives. A housewife is a hard worker who plays an important role in family life. Starting from preparing for the needs of her husband and children, to managing the family's financial condition. With so many expenses to meet family needs, housewives have to rack their brains to find additional income from side businesses.

However, there are several obstacles that housewives have to face , for example limited time, small capital, limited abilities, and many more. Some of these obstacles make them back off before starting. The need for family support, and a strong desire to dare to take steps are the first of many ways to earn extra money for housewives.

It turns out that if you are smart in looking for opportunities, housewives can also earn extra money. With just enough capital, you can do it at home, work hours are flexible, and your rupiah can go into your pocket. By taking advantage of advances in technology and digital-based businesses, housewives can try various ways to earn extra money, check out various interesting business ideas that you can try, summarized by brilio.net from various sources, Friday (23/2).

How to earn extra money for housewives.

1. Sell used goods that are suitable for use

photo: pixabay.com

Who says used goods are no longer valuable? Used goods at your house just piled up in the warehouse? Oh, what a loss. Let's take advantage of used goods that are suitable for resale, there are still many people who are interested in buying used goods, as long as they are still in prime condition.

Mothers can sell them at the same price. There are many choices of used goods that can be used as profit, such as shelves, cupboards, clothes, and even kitchen utensils. Apart from using used goods at home, mothers can look for used goods that are suitable for use at markets or second-hand shops to resell.

2. Open a contemporary snack or snack business

photo: pixabay.com

One way to earn extra money for housewives is to open a snack or light snack business. Apart from the fact that it only requires a small amount of capital, mothers can use their house as a place to sell. The more interesting and contemporary the food being sold, the more people are interested in trying it, especially children.

Several contemporary food or snack business ideas that are currently popular with the public, such as risol mayo, seblak, baso aci, ice kul-kul, and many more. What you need to pay attention to is good food hygiene and raw materials, because quality is what keeps customers coming.

(mg/Zidan Fajri)

3. Become a private tutor for children

photo: unsplash.com

Has anyone ever heard of the saying "mother is the child's first school"? This proverb really glorifies the figure of the mother, because mothers have the noble task of educating children. However, due to work factors and so on, there are many mothers who cannot educate their children at home. So, housewives can take advantage of this opportunity to earn extra spending money.

There are many parents who need private teachers/mentors for their children in various specific fields, such as English lessons, reading and writing the Koran, and skills in playing musical instruments. To determine the fees, mothers can adjust to the number of meetings and the level of difficulty.

4. Become an affiliate of the marketplace platform

photo: unsplash.com

Marketplaces or online sales platforms are certainly familiar to housewives. Maybe you just look at your favorite items, or you often shop online every month. One way to earn extra money is through affiliate programs from market place platforms. Affiliate or affiliation is a system in digital business, where we offer other people's products to people around us without any conditions.

This program is often found on social media homepages, mothers only need to create interesting content to review or offer an item. So, the more people who open/click on the product link, the mothers can get a commission from each sale. The conditions for becoming an affiliate only require an account on the marketplace platform. Several large marketplaces have opened affiliate programs, such as Tiktok and Shopee.

5. Open an online business

photo: unsplash.com

If previously housewives could earn income from promoting other people's goods from affiliates, now mothers can also sell themselves on the marketplace. Maybe many people think that starting to sell online requires a lot of money, in fact it's not like that, ma'am.

To start selling online, of course mothers must have an account on the marketplace, then mothers must have sufficient stock of goods, and the last thing is good packaging for goods. To make doing business online easier, mothers can invite their peers or housewives around them to be empowered.

6. Answer online surveys

photo: unsplash.com

Another way for housewives to earn extra money is by filling out online questionnaires/surveys available on various trusted survey platforms. There are several trusted online survey platforms that mothers can try, such as Google Opinion Reward, Survey On, Populix, and others. Mothers can choose the theme of the survey they fill out, so they don't need to worry about the questions being difficult to understand.

When filling out online surveys, mothers must answer each question in detail and honestly, because the mothers' answers are evidence of their assessment. The more surveys you fill out, the more rewards you will be given.

7. Open a consignment service (jastip)

photo: freepik.com

Currently the business idea for jastip or entrustment services is going viral and many people need it. This is an opportunity for housewives to increase their income. Entrustment services, as the name suggests, people entrust items they want to buy through us due to time or location limitations.

For example, mother lives in the city of Malang, mother's friend who lives in the city of Jakarta entrusts mother to buy Malang apples, then the goods are sent back to the buyer's city, and mother will get money for the service. Apart from food, there are many jastip ideas that people often need, such as clothes, household furniture, and even branded goods.

Those are some ways to earn extra money for housewives. Apart from the methods that have been mentioned, there are still various opportunities for business ideas that you can try by adjusting your abilities and background. The key to earning additional income is persistence and being smart in seeing opportunities. While your family is fully supportive, don't be afraid to start a side business from home. Hopefully this information is useful!

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