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10 Februari 2024 09:00

Having a hobby of keeping animals, these 9 unique portraits of Angela Gilsha's minimalist terrace house include a mini zoo

Like a mini zoo, this residence, which is filled with various plants, feels cozy with the sound of the birds in its collection. Ferra Listianti
Having a hobby of keeping animals, these 9 unique portraits of Angela Gilsha's minimalist terrace house include a mini zoo

Brilio.net - Angela Gilsha has just been appointed as expert staff to the Minister of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora), following in the footsteps of Mikha Tambayong who was previously appointed as staff to the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Through his Instagram page, this 29 year old soap opera actor shares many of his portraits with athletes and takes part in various events held by the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Not only are his activities highlighted, the personal life of the soap opera actor also attracts public attention. Not many people know that Angela Gilsha has a unique hobby, namely raising animals . Some of his animal collections can also be seen in his small residence.

Like a mini zoo, this residence, which is filled with various plants, feels cozy with the sound of the birds in its collection. Angela said that previously she only had two birds, now she has 8 birds which are increasingly adding color to her house. Not only birds, there are also turtles on the terrace of his house.

Come on, take a look at brilio.net's summary from YouTube BARA VALENTINO on Saturday (10/2), a portrait of Angela Gilsha's minimalist terrace house.

1. The appearance of Angela Gilsha's house looks comfortable with a minimalist concept. Even though the area is small in housing, the interior arrangement is quite neat.

Portrait of the terrace of Angela Gilsha's minimalist house

2. The unique design can trick guests, because Angela Gilsha placed the terrace of her house on the side, not the front of the house.

Portrait of the terrace of Angela Gilsha's minimalist house

3. To enter the terrace, guests must pass through the living room. Visibly, there is a door leading to the terrace.

Portrait of the terrace of Angela Gilsha's minimalist house

4. You can feel the beautiful impression when you enter the terrace. You can see, this area is filled with vines.

Portrait of the terrace of Angela Gilsha's minimalist house

5. Not only did she choose a tropical concept, Angela Gilsha also wanted her house to have an art tone feel. So, there are not many flashy colors in his house.

Portrait of the terrace of Angela Gilsha's minimalist house

6. "I also chose this canopy with wood," said Angela Gilsha.

Portrait of the terrace of Angela Gilsha's minimalist house

7. Interestingly, on the terrace of this 29 year old soap opera actor's house there is a mini zoo. Looks like his pet, a turtle.

Portrait of the terrace of Angela Gilsha's minimalist house

8. Not only turtles, there are also several birds in the collection. Angela said that previously she only had two birds, now she has 8 birds which are increasingly adding color to her house.

Portrait of the terrace of Angela Gilsha's minimalist house

9. In several corners of the terrace, there are also several collections of plants which make the area even shadier.

Portrait of Angela Gilsha's minimalist home terrace

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